Explore new possibilities - inspire with shower colors

Did you know?

The current trend in the bathroom finishing market is to create unique, exceptional and, in a sense, personalized functional and design solutions. Investors want their bathroom, as well as the whole house, to be unique, but at the same time ergonomic. There is also a growing awareness of product selection.

Customers prefer to choose proven brands with specialized service nationwide and long warranty periods. Product quality is winning over the need to save money. The offer of the Polish manufacturer, New Trendy, includes top-quality products that respond to these very needs.

W ofercie New Trendy są wyjątkowe kabiny typu walk-in, w najmodniejszych kolorach. Na zdjęciu zaprezentowano kolekcję Nesta w kolorze Gold Brushed

New Trendy offers exceptional walk-in cabins in the most fashionable colors. The photo shows the Nesta collection in Gold Brushed color


Unlimited possibilities

The offer of New Trendy cabins is constructed in such a way that the installer, together with the customer, is able to select a cabin for any interior. Many shapes and types of cabins are available in the collections, such as recessed doors, walk-in cabins, square, rectangular, pentagonal or rounded cabins and many others. There are also a many sizes avaible in each of these options.

It should also be noted that these solutions come in many of the colors expected by the customer, such as brushed and glossy gold, gunmetal or brushed copper, or the still very popular black. When the specific needs of the customer or the possibilities of the room are non-standard, practically each of the cabins in the New Trendy offer, can be adapted to the dimensions and shapes expected by the customer within the Na Wymiar offer - configuratorkabin.pl

Kabina Avexa Gunmetal Brushed – przykład możliwości kabin Na Wymiar w ofercie New Trendy

Avexa Gunmetal Brushed cabin - an example of the possibilities of the Na Wymiar cabins in the New Trendy offer


Cooperation is a pleasure

Technical sheets, installation instructions and 3D models are available for New Trendy cabins. Everything can be easily found on the website: newtrendy.pl. All necessary technical information can be found there. There is also a special hotline where advice on the installation of New Trendy products is provided (Service tab).

Support in complex realizations are certified installers, a list of which can also be found on the website. It is worth taking advantage of their help when, for example, it is necessary to take measurements for cabins with unusual shapes, such as bevels, walls, or a cabin high from floor to ceiling.

Zainteresowanie kolorem miedzianym szybko rośnie – przykład: Kabina New Soleo Copper Brushed w wersji pięciokątnej, a to tylko jedno z wielu rozwiązań w tej kolekcji

Interest in the color copper is growing rapidly - example: New Soleo Copper Brushed cabin in pentagonal version, and this is just one of many solutions in this collection


Explore our offer

To stay up to date with New Trendy's offerings, installer training information and other tips that are regularly posted, find and follow the company's profiles on Instagram and Facebook. Communication with professionals in the interior finishing industry is a priority for New Trendy.

For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.