Truffles - personalized mosaics

Truffles - personalized mosaics

Do you know what is the secret of the taste of chocolate truffles? Handmade, variety, a recipe refined in every detail, local quality ingredients... But the most important is the heart of the chocolate - velvety cream, the work of a master chocolatier. It is thanks to his talent and experience that each piece is truly unique. Our name is Truffles, but we are not chocolate specialists. We make mosaics.

Mozaika Spotty Thin na
ścianie pomiędzy kuchennymi szafkami

Spotty Thin mosaic on the wall between the kitchen cabinets.



You can use them in your bathroom, kitchen or home pool interior design. But we like you to think of our mosaics as little pieces of delicious chocolates. One of a kind. Not to be imitated. Designed with attention to every detail. And with the secret, which is the creativity of our artists and the capable hands of professionals. They are the ones who will create and arrange any mosaic pattern you dream of. Like chocolate truffles in a fragrant box.

 Indywidualny projekt
mozaiki w łazience  Beżowe Palmy jako dekoracja
ściany w hallu

Custom mosaic design in the bathroom, Beige Palms as a wall decoration in the hall.


Are you looking for an idea for the interior that will surprise you like a sweet surprise gift? If you want to start the adventure with Truffles, you will receive from us:

  • eco-friendly, top-quality glass mosaics that are made exclusively from recycled materials;
  • a personalized design from creative designers and artists. You can also choose one of the designs we offer - we will personalize it to your needs!
  • Full commitment and cooperation at every stage of the project;
  • always with a free quote with preliminary designs.

Mozaika Puro
z kolekcji Basic w aranżacji jadalni

Puro mosaic from the Basic collection in a dining room arrangement


Do you remember this scene? "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get," said Forest Gump. Choose a mosaic from Truffles and you will be surprised like the most delicious praline from your box.

For more information, visit the company's TRUFLE MOZAIKI page on thePdD portal.