Daikin expert talks about reliable and economical heat pumps

Interview with Matthew Jaworski, Sales Engineer of Daikin Heating and Air Conditioning Systems.

jednostka wewnętrzna
oraz jednostka zewnętrzna powietrznej pompy ciepła Daikin Altherma 3 H HT

Daikin Altherma 3 H HT air source heat pump indoor unit and outdoor unit

© Daikin

What are heat pumps? How do they work?

Simply put, heat pumps are devices that use electricity to transfer heat from a low-temperature lower source to an upper source, which is, for example, a central heating system or the air in a room. The energy is most often obtained from the ground, air or water and is renewable, and there is no burning of gas, coal or oil throughout the process, so no exhaust fumes are produced.

What are the benefits of buying a heat pump for your home?

First of all, there are economic and environmental benefits. For a new house, there will be no need for a chimney, we can dispense with even a boiler room, since the indoor unit does not require ventilation, and the investment cost is the purchase of the device including installation. In addition, the operating cost is very low, and with photovoltaic installation can be practically zero. This is due to the fact that for classical heating devices the efficiency is less than 100%, and a heat pump can produce from 1000 watts of electricity supplied to the compressor, even four or five times as much heat. In addition, it should be noted that these devices are virtually maintenance-free.

Gruntowa PC Daikin
Altherma z dolnym źródłem ciepła w postaci wymiennika poziomego

Daikin Altherma ground-source PC with a horizontal heat exchanger as the bottom heat source

© Daikin

Are heat pumps environmentally friendly?

That's one of our benefits, heat pumps are environmentally friendly. Imagine a housing estate where pumps are the only source of heat, the absence of chimneys and flue gases makes our local environment cleaner. In order to improve air quality in Poland, there are subsidies for the replacement of heating sources, precisely in order to reduce the production of exhaust fumes.To improve even more, we can install photovoltaic panels and produce electricity from the sun, then we are also self-sufficient. In addition, current heat pumps achieve the power that is required. As an example, for a house that had a 21kW gas boiler, we selected a heat pump with a nominal power of 14kW.

Gruntowa PC Daikin Altherma
z dolnym źródłem ciepła w postaci wymiennika pionowegoDaikin Altherma ground-source PC with a bottom heat source in the form of a vertical heat exchanger

© Daikin

Is the popularity of heat pumps among Poles high?

Currently, the main popularity among Poles has been gained by air source heat pumps, which, according to a PORT PC report, have seen a 100% increase in sales in consecutive years since 2018, with more than 40,000 units in 2020. This is mainly due to the fact that technology is developing strongly and pumps are becoming more and more efficient. Already, these devices can handle a radiator system all year round without the use of heaters. In addition, they are much simpler to maintain and service than ground pumps, and much cheaper in terms of investment costs.

Exactly. Is the pump suitable for an existing house where we have installed high-temperature radiators?

Absolutely yes, our heat pumps work even up to -25℃ and at this outdoor temperature they are able to produce 65℃ water. What's more, according to reports, it is the most heat pumps that are already installed in existing installations. Programs such as "Clean Air" and a new pilot project involving the replacement of heat sources in multi-family buildings are contributing to this.

Kocioł gazowy kondensacyjny
Daikin Altherma 3 C Gas W

Condensing gas boiler Daikin Altherma 3 C Gas W

What should we pay attention to when buying a heat pump?

First, we should have as much information as possible about the building, the installation and our preferences. Ideally, we should do an energy audit or provide enough data to calculate the heat demand of the building. The more information we have, the more accurate the selection, which translates into low bills and a long life for the heat pump.

Powietrzna pompa ciepła
Daikin Altherma 3 R F (jednostka wewnętrzna i jednostka zewnętrzna)

Daikin Altherma 3 R F air source heat pump (indoor unit and outdoor unit).

What is DAIKIN's full range of products?

In our offer for residential customers, we have heat pumps, Split and Multi Split air conditioners, recuperators, air purifiers and gas boilers. In addition, we have a wide range of commercial solutions. Our equipment is mainly manufactured in Europe, which sets us apart from other manufacturers.

We have been in the HVAC business for nearly 100 years and are constantly setting quality and new solutions.

For more information, visit DAIKIN 's PdD website.