Changes in the Czyste Powietrze. What is HP Keymark?

02 of July '24
w skrócie
  1. Changes to the Czyste Powietrze program have been introduced since June 14.
  2. The ZUM list has been significantly shortened. This has to do with the HP Keymark certification.
  3. Heat Pump (HP) Keymark is a quality mark.
  4. It was introduced on the basis of a recommendation by the European Council.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

As of June 14, the ZUM list, a compilation of equipment and materials that meet the standards to receive funding under the Czyste Powietrze program, has been significantly shortened. This was due to the need to resubmit and reprocess applications for equipment with the HP Keymark.

Time for change

In recent weeks we have been dealing with changes in the Czyste Powietrze program.

- After June 14, the ZUM list is heavily restricted. This temporary change is due to procedural issues. Heat pumps from a number of recognized manufacturers, which over the years — thanks to their high quality and efficiency — have won the trust of Poles, have to be re-added to the ZUM list. The basis will be the HP Keymark certification - points out Wioletta Walczak, project support engineer at Stiebel Eltron.

Wioletta Walczak

Wioletta Walczak

© Stiebel Eltron

Keymark – the key to efficiency

What is hidden under this name? Heat Pump (HP) Keymark is a quality mark. It confirms the compliance of the tested product with European standards. It was developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and introduced on the recommendation of the European Council. HP Keymark is a twin system to Solar Keymark, which is used by Polish photovoltaic panels manufacturers.

- Keymark can be confidently compared to other types of quality marks. For example, when choosing food products, we are often guided by an indication specifying their origin, thus being sure that they were produced in a certain region and in a certain way. The awarding of a particular mark is conditional on meeting certain quality requirements — says Adam Korpalski, marketing manager at Stiebel Eltron.

Heat Pump (HP) Keymark potwierdza zgodność badanego produktu z europejskimi normami

The Heat Pump (HP) Keymark confirms the compliance of the tested product with European standards

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How can one obtain HP Keymark certification?

The rights to the mark are held by the European standards organizations CEN and CENELEC. However, it is issued only by authorized bodies that evaluate a product, as an independent third party. The process is based on three standards:

- ISO17065 — refers to the course of the certification process
- ISO17025 - refers to the methods of testing the device
- ISO17021 — regulates inspections

During the test, the COP, the key efficiency factor of pumps, is measured. It describes the ratio of the amount of electricity consumed to the amount of heat generated. To be certified, the device must meet the claimed efficiency in all types of climate. Importantly, the manufacturer has no control over when and what kind of device will be tested. The institute decides randomly and without notice.

- The manufacturer declares the values on the energy label at all operating points, and two or three of them are measured as part of the procedure for each climate. Their selection is done by random drawing. If the tested values do not deviate by more than 8% from those indicated in the product card, the remaining data declared in the card is accepted — explains Wioletta Walczak.

Nowe przepisy znacząco ograniczyły liczbę urządzeń spełniających kryteria programu Czyste Powietrze

The new regulations have significantly reduced the number of devices that meet the criteria of the Czyste Powietrze program

Photo: Alpha Innotec © UNSPLASH

If the measurement result does not fall within the permitted limits, a thorough analysis of all COPs in a given climate and for different temperature applications takes place. This provides users with reliable confirmation of the efficiency of the equipment expressed in terms of energy class (A+, A++, A+++).

- What's more, HP Keymark certification involves testing not only the appliances themselves, but also where they are manufactured. Calculations for COP, SCOP and hot water are examined, and it is also verified that the main components of the pump have remained unchanged. This ensures that HP Keymark remains a clear proof of the device's performance — says Adam Korpalski.

Certyfikat HP Keymark został wprowadzony na podstawie rekomendacji Rady Europejskiej

The HP Keymark certification was introduced based on a recommendation from the European Council

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Changes, but are they for the better?

Meanwhile, devices tested in laboratories, as the new regulations of the ZUM list assume, are sent independently by manufacturers. So there is a risk that a company will send a specimen with altered performance characteristics for testing, and get better parameters based on that. In addition, by doing the test for only one device, as many as four products of the same subtype can be included in the list. The only condition that needs to be met is that the power of the introduced devices does not differ by more than 50% compared to the tested model.

- From discussions among industry representatives, the consensus opinion is that it is unwise to undermine the credibility of the EU certification system, which has been proven for years, and exclude HP Keymark from the ZUM list regulations. The sudden sweep of the regulations could lead to a collapse of the market and a lot of uncertainty among customers, installers and heat pump manufacturers alike — concludes Wioletta Walczak.

Wedle nowych przepisów, urządzenia wysyłane są przez producentów

According to the new regulations, the equipment is shipped by manufacturers

© Stiebel Eltron

How to choose a heat pump based on the new list?

Due to the changes, the ZUM list has been slimmed down by more than 90%. Experts stress that at this point it is worth holding off on the purchase and waiting for when the market adjusts to the new regulations.

- Securing an efficient heat source is a key challenge facing us in difficult times. It's a decision for many years, so it's worth making it consciously, based on a wide selection of equipment. To be able to use it, it is worth waiting for the ZUM list to be updated - concludes Adam Korpalski.

HP Keymark został wykluczony z regulaminu listy ZUM

HP Keymark has been excluded from the ZUM list regulations

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Are you building or renovating a house? We have more information about heat pumps for you!


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