How to take care of paving stones?

22 of May '24
w skrócie
  1. You don't have to replace the entire pavement. Just carry out the renovation.
  2. To refresh the pavement, use a specialized product.
  3. You can apply the product with a brush, roller or backpack sprayer.
  4. You can use the pavement just couple hours after the renovation.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

Well-kept paving stones not only decorate the space around the house, but also ensure the safe use of driveways and paths. How to take care of concrete paving so that it looks aesthetically pleasing and serves us for years?

Zadbana nawierzchnia zapewnia estetyczny wygląd i bezpieczeństwo

A well-maintained pavement provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance and ensures safety

© Tikkurila

How to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the pavement in front of the house?

Pavement is frequently used and exposed to adverse weather conditions. Because of this, over time it fades and turns gray. So do we have to replace the entire pavement every few years? Fortunately, no! You just need to refresh it properly. Such renovation can be successfully carried out on your own, even without the use of specialized tools. A brush, roller or garden sprayer will be enough.

Kostka brukowa z czasem blaknie i szarzeje

Pavement fades and grays over time

© Freepik

How to renovate paving stones?

Before painting the surface, be sure to clean it of dirt, dust, moss and lichen. You can use a pressure washer and paving stone cleaners for this. For painting, use a product that will improve the appearance, as well as even out and deepen the color of the concrete pavement. Before painting, mix the product thoroughly. Then repeat it during application. You can apply the product with a brush, roller or backpack sprayer. Apply it on dry concrete - evenly and without gaps. Don't use thick layers. If you use the spray method, you may need to finish it with a roller or brush to ensure proper absorption of the product.

Renowację kostki możesz przeprowadzić samodzielnie

You can do the paving renovation by yourself

© Tikkurila

How to choose a product for painting the pavers?

Depending on the absorbency of the substrate and the desired effect, apply 1-2 coats of the product. In the case of previously painted pavers, choose the color most similar to the surface. However, if you are painting a gray, uncolored cube you have a wide range of colors to choose from. If you don't know what to opt for, go for one of the neutral shades of gray. Such a color will fit in with both modern and more traditional arrangements.

Jeśli malujesz wcześniej barwioną kostkę, dobierz kolor najbardziej zbliżony do malowanej powierzchni

If you are painting a previously painted pavement, choose a color that is most similar to the surface

© Tikkurila

Apply the selected product in 1 or 2 coats. Just a few hours after the renovation you can freely use the surface. The pavement refreshed in this way is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also safe. The specialized product penetrates deep into the structure of the concrete, making the surface non-slippery.

We have more paving tips for you!


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