


Heavy rainfall can be a very serious problem in cities, which is why it is so important to ensure proper drainage and channel rainwater to a safe distance.

is drainage needed inside a building?

Rainwater is unlikely to enter buildings, except in extreme cases, or in underground parking lots, where water from the outside can reach in some places, such as at the entrance.

However, there are many other industries in which room drainage is essential, for example, in swimming pools, in catering, pharmacy in chemical and manufacturing plants, and wherever the highest standards of hygiene and corrosion resistance must be maintained. In rooms where water from the floor must have an external outlet, and not dry on it, creating the possibility of bacterial growth.

Dampness is not good for the health of a building, and certainly lingering water in it. Therefore, in places where there may be excess water, such as swimming pools, the use of good drainage, is essential, using grates, shower drainage, or other point or linear solutions.

why is outdoor drainage necessary?

Changes in the environment are making the climate unstable and variable. Increasingly frequent in our climate are violent and heavy downpours of rain, which in a few moments can turn streets into rushing rivers, and the entire drainage system is suddenly overloaded and clogged in places. Therefore, it is very important to drain rainwater, as well as to ensure good retention.
After all, no one wants a pedestrian path to turn into a small stream during even a small rain. That's why it's so important to drain every possible place: parking lots, paths, housing estates, factory yards, or other spaces where backed-up water would pose a serious problem. Only the provision of an adequate number of linear drains, point drains, manholes or channels will ensure effective drainage of water during rainfall.

An interesting solution to slow down so that the drainage system is not overloaded during a downpour is the use of retention roofs so-called green roofs, where the vegetation placed there is first fed, while the excess water is drained with a delay, so that some of the rainwater does not go directly to drains and municipal sewer systems, but is stored to irrigate the green roofs.