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A set of special paints for the ordinary blacksmith

24 of October '22

A spectrum of special effects paints.
From the series "Insulation, chemistry, paints - innovations 2022".

In recent years, special paints have found a number of applications in many areas of human activity. Special paints are currently used to create a wide range of warning and information markings, both in the horizontal marking of lines, lettering and symbols on the road surface and in the vertical marking of signs and shields withinscriptions or symbols, for visual highlighting of scenery elements in nightclubs, tattoo parlors, escape rooms, advertising, murals, car races, sporting events, events and many other places where people gather.

They are increasingly used in the broader health and safety sector to create warning signs, their unique qualities are also used by the industrial decoration sector, toy, food and many, many others.

The plans of SPLinx, a Polish manufacturer of special paints used in printing, construction and industry, are to meet the needs of applying special effects in the everyday life of the ordinary Blacksmith. Until now, the purchase and application of special paints was basically reserved for a narrow circle of specialists and experts in the subject. The emerging and increasingly conscious need to add some form of unconventional, interactive or expressive means of expression to one's environment prompted us to offer the ordinary user a range of paints that he will be able to use in a simple way, requiring no specialized knowledge, resulting in quite unconventional and sophisticated special effects.

special paints

special paints

© SPLinx

The SPLinx GLOW series of products aimed at the ordinary user will include an extensive spectrum of special effect paints previously used in specialized sectors of the market. These include: fluorescent paints glowing with neon light of daytime exposure as well as at night under UV light or even IR light, phosphorescent paints glowing at night, paints changing color under temperature, metallic gold and silver, pearl, glitter or changeable optics, paints reflecting light (reflective), changing colorunder the influence of water, sun or chemical agents, scented (provided with scent microcapsules), magnetic, conductive, penetrating, scratch and other reacting after rubbing, biocidal and many, many others.

special paints

special paints

© SPLinx

To begin with, they will be offered in four application categories. The first to be launched will be GLOW AQUA water-based acrylic paints. These are environmentally friendly and easy-to-apply paints that will be able to be applied on a variety of surfaces from interior walls to facades, on wood, plastic, fabric, generally on undemanding surfaces (some applications will require a primer). Secondly, special paints from the GLOW POLI series will have their premiere. These will be polyurethane paints for use on demanding substrates such as concrete, asphalt, metal, difficult synthetic substrates, etc.

special paints

special paints

© SPLinx

An interesting group of GLOW special paints that SPLinx wants to launch in the next phase will be products for entertainment enthusiasts and eccentric presentations of their own bodies, for use in nightclubs, special events, Halloween, make-up, etc. This is the GLOW BODY series for painting the body and elements that come into contact with it. A set of specialty paints for use by the ordinary Blacksmith that SPLinx intends to introduce to the market last is GLOW SPRAY. As the name suggests, these are special effects paints in spray. Simplicity and ease of application, as well as relatively strong adhesion to difficult substrates, are undoubted advantages of this group of special paints. They are already being used successfully by foresters, motorsports enthusiasts, "streat art" artists, mural artists, etc.

For more information, visit the company's SPLinx Jacek Bisiorek page on the PdA portal.

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