Back to school with a special promotion

07 of August '24

Textbooks, backpacks and notebooks are not the only items that need to be purchased at the beginning of the school year. Equally important is the proper equipment of the study corner. What equipment should be in it? Among others, an ergonomic desk that will allow children to change their position while doing homework. Now, as part of the "Back to school" promotion, Futuro REJS electrically adjustable frames are available at lower prices!

The school year is starting! And this means literally the last call to prepare a safe and friendly study corner at home. How to go about it? The key will be the furniture - desk and chair, as well as furniture accessories.

Pokój dla dziewczynki

Room for a girl


How to choose a good desk?

Although we are used to it, a sedentary posture is considered detrimental to health. Prolonged sitting, which is inevitable with traditional desks, can cause many problems. That is why it is so important to adjust the height of the desk to the height of the child and teenager, as well as to be able to change the position while studying. Using a desk that allows you to easily and quickly adjust the level of the tabletop encourages more frequent position changes. And this stimulates circulation, reduces tension in muscles and joints, and improves concentration and efficiency in work and study.

- Futuro II and Futuro Compact are electrically controlled, comfort desk frames that allow infinite height adjustment of the tabletop position within the range of 625-1275 and 685-1180 mm, respectively. Thanks to them, children themselves can comfortably and quickly raise or lower the top depending on what position they want to take: standing or sitting. What 's more, the racks make it possible to quickly adjust the desk to another user - for example, a second child, and that without having to take everything off the top," explains Agnieszka Sobocinska, Marketing Director of REJS.

Controlling desks with Futuro frames is very simple. Just press the appropriate button on the control panel and the desk raises or lowers, and its exact height is displayed on the panel. If you do not want to adjust the optimal level every time - you can set fixed values - the panels will remember 3 positions.

Warto wybrać biurko z regulowaną wysokością blatu

It is worth choosing a desk with adjustable height of the top


Two frames to choose from

REJS offers two electrically controlled desk frames. How do they differ? First of all, by size.

Futuro II is larger - it allows the use of a top with a width of 1075-1800 mm. The smaller and sleeker Futuro Compact with a 900-1200 mm wide top is ideal for smaller rooms or those where 2 desks are necessary. The permissible load of the systems are respectively: 120 and 100 kg. They are available in three colors - white, black and silver. Both are dual-motor, with the Futuro II being three-column and the Futuro Compact being two-column.

- With safety in mind, both Futuro versions feature a mechanism that halts movement when an obstacle is spotted, known as an anti-collision sensor. In the Futuro II , an additional safety feature is the child lock function. In addition, it meets ISO: 9001, 14001, 45001 standards and comes with a longer, 5-year warranty. And now, as part of the "Back to school" promotion, both frames are available at lower prices," adds Agnieszka Sobocinska.

W ofercie REJS dostępne są dwa elektrycznie sterowane stelaże biurek

REJS offers two electrically controlled desk frames


Accessories needed in the work and study corner

A proper desk is not enough. To take care of your child's health and comfort while doing homework, it is worth equipping his room with a few more functional solutions. When designing a study corner, in particular, do not forget to provide access to electricity. The ability to connect a charger is absolutely essential from the point of view of a laptop, phone or tablet user. To make it easier to charge devices, both racks are equipped with USB sockets (Futuro II USB A and C, Futuro Compact USB C).

That's not all. Both racks are matched with clever additional accessories, such as cable grommets for discreet connection of equipment. They are complemented by cable troughs that can be mounted under the countertop to organize cables, as well as Elektrima's Quadro, Slider, Ring and Tubus retractable office extension cords.

Pod blatem możesz zamontować korytko na kable

You can install a cable tray under the countertop


- The round Tubus, Ring and Slider, as well as the rectangular Kwadro from REJS can be quickly opened (Slider, Kwadro) or slid out from the countertop (Ring, Tubus) when you want to plug in a device, and then tucked away even faster when you need more space. Depending on the model, they are available in white, black and shades of gray in several variants: only with traditional sockets (1-4), or also with USB ports, explains Agnieszka Sobocińska.

For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the PdD portal.

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