How to change the interior without a general overhaul?

29 of September '23
w skrócie
  1. You don't have to do a major overhaul to transform the look of your interior.
  2. Start by cleaning the room.
  3. You can renew the furniture yourself.
  4. Replace textiles seasonally.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

      You don't want to invest too much money in a rented apartment or maybe you are afraid of the huge amount of work involved in a general home renovation? Fortunately, even small changes can make a big difference. We suggest how to refresh the arrangement easily and quickly.

      Nie musisz przeprowadzać gruntownego remontu, aby odmienić wygląd wnętrza

      You don't have to do a major overhaul to change the look of the interior

      © Quick Step

      Less is more

      Start with cleaning. Although it is usually the last stage of a renovation, getting rid of unnecessary things will allow you to look at it from a different perspective. Once the visual chaos is gone, it will be much easier to assess where to make improvements. It may turn out that you don't need so many of them at all, and only cosmetic changes can bring a really spectacular effect. Remember to not focus too much on trends when decorating your space. Fashionable solutions can be inspirational, but the most important are your taste and lifestyle. By focusing on these issues, you will create a timeless place where you will always feel good.

      Zacznij od wprowadzenia porządku w pomieszczeniu W uporządkowanym pomieszczeniu łatwiej będzie ocenić Ci, co potrzebuje poprawy

      Start by cleaning the room

      © WestwingNow

      The power of accessories

      The easiest way to give a room a new feel is to replace decorative elements and textiles. A new lamp, vase, pillows and curtains are the greatest tools of an express metamorphosis. However, pay attention not only to the look of the decorations, but also their size and form. Playing with scale will add multidimensionality to the space. Also remember that they should harmonize with the rest of the arrangement. It is a good idea to replace textiles seasonally. In winter, for example, velour and corduroy will work well, while in summer softer fabrics will be better.

      Tekstylia wymieniaj sezonowo

      Change textiles seasonally

      © WestwingNow

      Second life of furniture

      You don't have to invest in a new set of furniture right away. Sometimes a quick rearrangement is enough to give a room a new look. You can also replace the knobs and handles in your cabinet fronts or the upholstery of your sofa. If you are planning major changes, consider refinishing the furniture yourself. This will not only save you money, but it also is a great oppurtinty to create a completely unique design element. Depending on the size of the piece of furniture and the material it is made of, this can be a more or less time-consuming, but the satisfaction and the result will certainly make up for it.

      Możesz samodzielnie przeprowadzić renowację mebli

      You can do the furniture restoration yourself

      © Tikkurila

      New flooring and transformed walls

      Walls and floors are very important cause they are forming a background for the other elements. Contrary to popular belief, repainting a room is not difficult. All you need to do is to stock up with good paint, accessories,  and possibly primer. A little more skill will be required to put wallpaper on the wall of your choice or install trim or stucco. In this case, it's a good idea to ask for help from a professional. Replacing the floor also does not have to be a difficult undertaking. For example, before laying vinyl panels, you do not need to tear out the old floor. You can also get models with integrated underlay, which do not require a special insulation layer. Choose panels with a snap-in system so you could easily connect them together. Both in a classic arrangement and in an ornate herringbone pattern.

      Nowa podłoga nada wnętrzu zupełnie innego charakteru

      The new floor will give the interior a completely different character

      © Quick Step

      Are you renovating your interior? We have more inspiration for you!

      Compiled by:KATARZYNA SZOSTAK

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