5 ways to organize your interior in Sleek Industrial style

02 of January '24

How to arrange an interior in the Sleek Industrial style? What exactly is this style? We present 5 things that are necessary when creating such an interior.

Sleek Industrial — - the ever-popular loft style got a new look. The rawness and spaciousness of industrial interiors is broken with chic elements, including wood and chrome, and cozy accessories. However, concrete and minimalist forms are still used here.

Raw elegance

In the Sleek Industrial style, the key is to maintain a balance between rawness and finesse. Typically loft materials such as concrete, brick and metal, juxtapose with warming details. Soft textiles, necessarily of the highest quality, and wood are ideal.

Jakościowe tekstylia ocieplą surowy charakter wnętrza Metalowe dodatki są kluczowym elementem aranżacji w stylu Sleek Industrial

Quality textiles will warm up the austere character of the interior

© WestwingNow

Subdued colors

The color palette of the „warmed loft” consists of all shades of black, white, beige and gray. Such a base goes beautifully with high-quality furnishings and elegant materials. So don't forget about glass and metal accessories such as stainless steel. Such details will perfectly complement the subdued but varied colors of the Sleek Industrial style.

Stonowane barwy to baza aranżacji w stylu Sleek Industrial

Subdued colors are the basis of arrangements in Sleek Industrial style

© WestwingNow

Industrial pedigree

Although Sleek Industrial offers a cozier version of loft interiors, we still can't forget its industrial underpinnings. So opt for concrete, metal, glass and brick. Furniture with simple forms, devoid of unnecessary ornamentation, leaves room for the free flow of light, which makes even small rooms seem more spacious, referring to post-industrial interiors.

Wybierz meble nawiązujące do loftowej stylistyki Wybierz meble o prostych, minimalistycznych formach

Choose furniture with simple, minimalist forms

© WestwingNow

Stylish contrasts

A Sleek Industrial style arrangement is full of contrasts. Soft-touch materials and luxurious textiles are juxtaposed here with the austerity of industrial aesthetics. The combination of elegance and functionality creates an interior with a unique character, which will suit those who are not afraid of experimentation.

Ciepłe tekstylia zestaw z surowymi materiałami np. metalem

Warm textiles juxtapose with raw materials such as metal

© WestwingNow

Refined details

Lighting is a key aspect of a Sleek Industrial style interior. Lamps with a simple, minimalist form give the arrangement a loft-like feel. Choose those with metal shades, long wires or exposed, traditional bulbs to create an arrangement just like a post-industrial apartment in New York or Berlin.

Proste lampy to kluczowy element aranżacji w stylu Sleek Industrial Oświetlenie z metalowym kloszem nada aranżacji loftowego charakteru

Simple lamps are a key element of a Sleek Industrial style arrangement

© WestwingNow

Check out other styles in articles from the 5 Ways to Interiors series


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