Bathroom in shades of copper. Elegant arrangement of a small space

09 of January '25
w skrócie
  1. Tatevik Caturova and Ewa Franiak of Flow Interiors studio designed the apartment in Sopot.
  2. The interior was arranged in a quiet luxury style.
  3. The bathroom is kept in warm colors.
  4. The shower has a minimalist form.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal.

Previously, we have already presented the hallway and the private area designed by Tatevik Caturova and Ewa Franiak. Today we take a look at the bathroom arranged by the Flow Interiors studio.

Złote detale nadają przestrzeni wyrafinowanego charakteru

Gold details give the space a sophisticated touch

Photo: Tom Kurek © Kontakt Simon

Elegance in a cozy way

The second bathroom is decorated in warm colors of gold, copper and browns, which give the interior a sophisticated character. The entire room was designed with attention to detail, which makes the space not only practical, but also aesthetically refined. The focal point of the arrangement is a round mirror in a golden frame, serving not only a utilitarian function, but also optically enlarging the space. The mirror perfectly harmonizes with thelighting in the form of gold and copper tubes hanging on the sides. They emit a warm, diffused light that adds to the coziness.

Dekoracje oświetlenie w formie złotych i miedzianych tub dodaje przytulności

Decorative lighting in the form of gold and copper tubes adds coziness

Photo: Tom Kurek © Kontakt Simon

Subtle contrasts

Below is a rectangular-shaped sink, which contrasts with the wooden countertop. The wall next to it has been finished with a wooden chevron pattern. It introduces an interesting texture and natural accent to the interior. In turn, the built-in cabinetry with matte neutral fronts offers plenty of storage space. It also features an alcove in which a miniature tree in glass has been placed. Such an accent adds a personal touch to the arrangement and makes the space seem more welcoming. Other decorative elements, such as decorative dispensers and a black fragrance diffuser, complete the arrangement, creating a cohesive composition.

Ściana obok lustra została udekorowana wzorem chevron

The wall next to the mirror was decorated with a chevron pattern

Photo: Tom Kurek © Kontakt Simon

The beauty of simplicity

In this ornate interior there was also a place for a minimalist shower. The glass cabin with chrome elements introduces lightness, while maintaining the modern and elegant character of the bathroom. Thanks to such an arrangement, the small bathroom is not overwhelmed.

Minimalistyczny design prysznica pozwala zachować harmonię

The minimalist design of the shower helps maintain harmony

Photo: Tom Kurek © Kontakt Simon

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