How to clean the iron?

14 of February '22

If your iron's heating foot looks dirty or some heat-sensitive material has just melted on its surface, you're probably wondering how to get rid of the troublesome dirt now. So here are some home ideas for cleaning your iron.

Czysta stopa grzejna żelazka daje pewność, że nie wybrudzimy nią świeżo wypranych ubrań

A clean iron's heating foot ensures that you will not stain your freshly washed clothes with it

© Mimzy / Pixabay

Paracetamol tablet

This may be a rather unobvious way, but at the same time it's one of the best for cleaning an iron with burnt residue. Turn the iron on the highest temperature and when it heats up, apply the tablet directly to the stained surface. The pill will melt and turn into a gel that will dissolve them. Then use a damp cloth or paper towel to clean the iron's foot. Repeat the process as necessary until the contamination is completely removed. Be careful not to burn yourself!

Newspaper with salt

If a burnt piece of ironed material is left on the foot of the iron, you can use an ordinary newspaper to remove it, Heat the iron to the highest temperature. Sprinkle some salt on the newspaper, and then iron everything with the heated iron. If you can't find newspaper, you can also use a paper bag. It will work just as well.

A mixture of vinegar and water

This method will work especially if you have a steam iron. To clean the holes in the heating foot, fill the water tank with a mixture of half vinegar and half water. Then look for a piece of fabric that may be damaged and start ironing it. Sediment nestled in the holes should come out after such a procedure.

Vinegar-soaked towel

This method is especially useful if your iron is corroded. This is another way to use vinegar to clean the iron. Soak a towel in vinegar, and then place a cold iron on it. Leave it like this for about 30 minutes, and then wipe it off. The iron should already be clean.

Soda paste for cleaning

We have already written about baking soda on the occasion of ways to clean the cooktop and ways to clean the washing machine. Baking s oda, as you can see, is a multi-purpose powder that is worth having at home. It can also clean the iron. Using just two tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of water, you can create a paste to clean it. Carefully rub it on the plate, but try to avoid it getting into the steam holes. However, if it does get in there, be sure to clean them.

Nail polish remover with acetone

This is another great way to dissolve dirt! Turn on the iron and let it get hot. Then soak a cotton ball in acetone nail polish remover. Wear oven gloves so you don't burn yourself and wipe the hot surface with the soaked cotton ball. This substance evaporates quickly, but it's great for removing any dirt! When finished, wipe the surface with water and a cloth.

Elaboration: Dominika Tyrlik

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