"I perceive home with all my senses". Katarzyna Kraszewska in the series "10 questions to an interior designer"

07 of February '24

"10 Questions to an Interior Designer" is a series of short talks inspired by the series "10 Questions to...". This time our attention is turned to interior architects. In today's episode, Katarzyna Kraszewska talks about her approach to design.

Katarzyna Kraszewska - interior designer, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts. Her designs have received numerous awards and have been published in the press in Poland and abroad. In 2004, she founded her author's studio. Under its current name, Katarzyna Kraszewska Architektura Wnętrz, it has been operating since 2008. Years of gathering experience allowed her to create a group of specialized designers, contractors and suppliers, whose support and long-term cooperation enable her to create and implement projects. Her studio offers comprehensive care from the work on the concept and visualization, to the technical drawing and supervision of the implementation, the supply of materials along with the provision of workmanship teams, to the selection of the finest accessories and commissioning of the project.

1. For me, home is...

Everything. My place, energy, family, smells, tastes, memories, emotions and a sense of security. I perceive home with all my senses — smell, touch, sight, hearing, but also non-verbally through vibrations and energy. So I try to create interiors as coherent as possible. It is a huge responsibility to create a setting for someone's life or their kids childhood memories, so I pay much attention to every detail, even the smallest one. I focus on all the needs of my clients, so that they feel that I have fulfilled their dream. I believe that in a good space positive emotions, pleasant memories and unforgettable moments are born. That's why I got into the business of educating interior designers and created a special platform dobryprojektant.pl. Any interior architect can gain knowledge in the field of space design, technical knowledge and communication, team building, as well as business and finance there.

2. The key to successful interior design is...

The ability to listen to the client and see if a certain word means the same thing to them as it does to me. I studied NLP for a long time to use neuro-linguistics with the client. In the interior, it is the person who is most important. We do it for him and he always perceives his home with emotions. If we learn to understand him, but also inspire confidence in him, then the rest is just a matter of high level skills.

3. I look for inspiration in...

Everywhere. I have 100 ideas a minute. In meetings I share concepts all the time. I need to be stopped rather than rushed. This is well known to my team, which consists of only outstanding individuals who are able to keep up with changes and the pace of my work. If only something needs to be figured out, I am immediately ready to act. However, I have been learning about how the brain works for several years. As a result, I know how to get it to do what I need right now. This is very valuable knowledge, because it allows you to go from a state of fatigue to full engagement with a fast creative processor in 5 minutes. Learning how to manage your time and energy resources is necessary in any creative profession.

4. In cooperation with an investor the most important thing is...

We must trust each other. We will spend the next year or two together, so mutual respect and understanding is fundamental.

5. My favorite design style is...

Timeless elegance. Simple modern interior in warm colors, leaving plenty of space for art and the user himself. Relaxing and made of the best materials. So technically thought out that no client has to be a slave to his home. Timeless, one that will also look good in 5 years.

6. The most valuable item in my home is...

I love art and new technologies. I'm a fan of simplifying my life and technology helps a lot with that. I have loved art since I was a child. I graduated from an art high school in Warsaw. I also studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. I have a painting studio at home, where I create together with my husband. Now we have started 3D printing. We use it to create lamps that we have designed. Art is a form of relaxation for me.

7. The most common mistake in self-decoration is...

Not thinking about the whole arrangment. Delighting in the detail, without thinking how it will interact with the rest of design. The money has already been spent, so there is usually disappointment and frustration at the end.

8. My favorite material is...

Anything natural. However, stone is my favorite. In any form, from translucent alabaster to split limestone.

9. A trend I wish would pass away already is...

The trend for DIY, cheap and without knowledge. The senseless spending of money and consumerism of poor quality products is appalling. I teach my children that we can't afford cheap things because it involves buying the same item 3 times in 3 years. Not to mention the wasted time and nerves when something stops working. I'd rather have one better item than five average or ten cheap ones. In everything from kitchen knives, to a lamp and a doormat at home.

10. Someday, I would like to live in...

A house by the ocean. A year ago I became the owner of such a place, but it is an investment property. For myself, I'm looking for something spectacular, because looking at spectacular things gives us spectacular ideas!

Check out other conversations in the series 10 questions to an interior designer


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