Colored glass in 5 ways

05 of August '24
w skrócie
  1. A colorful vase can be a decoration even without flowers.
  2. Put together different candlesticks for an interesting effect.
  3. Colored glasses and white plates will create an intriguing contrast.
  4. You can also choose a larger piece made of colored glass such as a lamp or table.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal.

Colored glass is currently experiencing a real renaissance. Whether you have a vase from the 1970s or glasses bought at a chain store, such a colorful element will bring lightness and fantasy to your interior.

Kolorowe szkło urozmaici każde wnętrze

Colorful glassware will add variety to any interior

© WestwingNow

Colorful tableware

Glassesand glasses made of colored glass are the most classic, but also charming choice. Such tableware will add joy to any occasion. Refreshing drinks will look and taste even better in them. You can choose a whole colorful set or juxtapose individual colorful pieces with white plates to create an intriguing contrast. Colorful glass plates can also serve a decorative function. They will be great for storing jewelry, for example.

Kieliszki z barwnego szkła są niezwykle efektowne Barwne szklanki idealnie sprawdzą się na przyjęciach

Colorful tableware is perfect for parties

© WestwingNow

Candle holder made of colored glass

This item can be a small work of art. Not only can you choose from a variety of colors, but also shapes. If you want a subtle effect, choose one large decorative candle holder. For lovers of more daring arrangements, we recommend juxtaposing models of different sizes, shades and forms. Such a composition will make the interior unique. Also pay attention to how the different colors of glass look when the candle is lit. This way you can bring a lot of cozy glow into your home.

Różnorodne świeczniki stworzą ciekawą aranżację

A variety of candle holders will create an interesting arrangement

© WestwingNow

Original vase

Vases made of colored glass can be used both alone and with flowers. Intense colors will certainly make the floral composition even more interesting. You can also bet on more pastel, delicate models, which will bring lightness and natural character to the interior. However, remember to match them in size. For example, if you want to set a vase on the dining table, it must not impede the consumption of meals. Then it is better to choose a smaller model.

Wazony z kolorowego szkła mogą być ozdobą nawet bez kwiatów Kolorowy wazon sprawi, że bukiet będzie się pięknie prezentować

Vases made of colored glass can be a decoration even without flowers

© WestwingNow

Lamps with shades made of colored glass

You can also use coloredglass in larger pieces such as lamps. The light passing through such colorful glass shades will beautifully illuminate the interior and create an intriguing visual effect. In addition, chandeliers and hanging lamps made of colored glass will bring a touch of elegance and modern character to the arrangement.

Lampy z kloszami z barwnego szkła tworzą ciekawy efekt wizualny Klosze z kolorowego szkła to świetny wybór do nowoczesnych wnętrz

Lamps with shades of colored glass create an interesting visual effect

© WestwingNow

Colorful glass table

Glass tables are one of the biggest trends this year. In addition to more traditional models, you will also find those in intense colors. Remember, however, that such a bold element must be well matched with the rest of the decor. A red glass table can be one colorful accent in a subdued room according to another trend, Unexpected Red Theory. However, if your apartment is full of color, choose a model in one of the main colors of the arrangement.

Szklany stolik to jeden z największych trendów wnętrzarskich tego roku

Glass table is one of the biggest interior trends of this year

© WestwingNow

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