Energy independence. Are Poles looking for self-sufficient housing?

28 of November '23

Increases in energy prices have become an issue felt by many households. Those looking for new apartments are also increasingly taking this issue into account.

Wysokie koszty energii sprawiają, że przy zakupie mieszkania zwracamy uwagę na kwestie niezależności energetycznej

High energy costs make us pay attention to energy independence issues when buying an apartment

© Freepik

Ecologically and economically

A survey conducted by CBOS on behalf of Skanska Residential Development Poland reveals that a growing group of Poles are looking for apartments that are cheaper to run and as energy independent as possible.

Respondents are aware of current energy costs, and as a result declared a very high interest in buying apartments in a development that can be energy self-sufficient. The survey shows that almost every person looking for an apartment is thinking about solutions to facilitate rational energy management. Strong interest in purchasing an energy-efficient apartment was expressed by 32.1% of respondents, while preliminary interest was expressed by as many as 58.1%. Energy self-sufficiency was an interest of almost all respondents (90.2%).

Polacy są zainteresowani zakupem mieszkań na osiedlu, które może być samowystarczalne energetycznie

Poles are interested in buying apartments in a development that can be energy self-sufficient

Photo by Ashes Sitoula © UNSPLASH

Do we know energy-saving solutions?

As many as 81% of respondents have heard of photovoltaic panels and know how they work. 51.4% of respondents have heard of heat pumps. Less people know what recuperation is, with only 29.5% of respondents indicating that they are familiar with this method.

Panele fotowoltaiczne są najpopularniejszym rozwiązaniem

Photovoltaic panels are the most popular solution

Photo by Zbynek Burival © UNSPLASH

Valuing independence

Although many respondents don't go into the details of clean energy generating solutions, urban residents agree that investing in energy-efficient solutions increases value of property. 83.8% of respondents have the belief that high energy efficiency contributes to the value of an apartment on the market. 70.2% of respondents declares that they are willing to pay a higher price for a property that uses energy-efficient technologies.

Osoby poszukujące nowych mieszkań zwracają uwagę na kwestie samowystarczalności energetycznej

Those looking for new apartments pay attention to energy self-sufficiency issues

Photo by © Freepik

Customers increasingly expect modern technological solutions for energy efficiency and self-sufficiency to be found both in the common parts of the development and directly in their own apartments - such preferences were shown by more than half of respondents (52.4%).

Looking for an apartment? Check out our installation tips


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