Year-round air conditioning - why invest in it?

20 of July '23

Summer heat is not the only time of the year when air conditioning comes in handy. Permanent year-round installation is an investment worth making to increase the comfort of your home. We check out what functionalities modern systems offer.

How does year-round air conditioning work?

Air conditioning is a system that is used to regulate the temperature, humidity and cleanliness of indoor air. The main purpose of air conditioning is to maintain comfortable environmental conditions inside the building, regardless of external conditions.

Year-round air conditioning makes it possible to both cool rooms on hot days and heat them during cooler periods. It works as a single unit that provides thermal comfort all year round, eliminating the need for separate cooling and heating systems.

A heat pump-based system is more energy efficient than traditional heating systems such as gas or electric furnaces. A heat pump uses heat energy available in outdoor air or water to heat rooms, which can save energy and reduce heating bills.

Pompa ciepła z funkcją klimatyzacji jest urządzeniem, które wykorzystuje zasadę przepływu ciepła, aby zarówno chłodzić, jak i ogrzewać pomieszczenia.

An air-conditioning heat pump is an appliance that uses the principle of heat flow to both cool and heat rooms. When cooling, a heat pump with air conditioning draws heat from a room and discharges it outside to lower the indoor air temperature.

© Magda Habel

Year-round air conditioning can distribute air evenly throughout rooms, providing uniform temperature and humidity throughout the area. This eliminates hot or cold spots, providing greater comfort for occupants.

Many year-round air conditioning systems are equipped with advanced air filters that effectively remove contaminants such as dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses. This is especially beneficial for people suffering from allergies or asthma, as it improves indoor air quality.

Modern year-round air-conditioning systems are designed to operate quietly and not disturb the rooms. This allows you to enjoy thermal comfort without noise or discomfort.

Many manufacturers offer intuitive control panels that make it easy to operate and adjust the settings of year-round air conditioning. You can also remotely control the system using smartphones or other devices, which increases user convenience and control.

Why install air conditioning at home?

Air conditioning in a home is no longer a luxury. It is a standard that makes our homes more comfortable and healthier. If you are considering installing air conditioning, our guide will help you decide.

Klimatyzacja tradycyjna oraz całoroczna, działająca na zasadzie pompy ciepła nie wymaga dużej ingerencji w wystrój. Elementy, które muszą znaleźć się na ścianach są dziś bardzo estetyczne.

Traditional air conditioning and year-round air conditioning that works on the principle of a heat pump does not require much interference with the decor. The elements that must be on the walls today are very aesthetic.

Photo.tianya1223 © Pixabay

Temperature-controlled environment

The most important reason to invest in air conditioning is to get a controlled temperature in your living space.

You will be able to have any temperature you want in your apartment, or a constant temperature throughout the year. In the summer you can cool the room, while when the cold weather comes, but the heating season hasn't started yet - you will warm it up with an air conditioner with a heating function.

Comfort for rest and sleep

Air conditioning creates a much happier place to live without using fans, which are noisy and inefficient. Daily chores on a hot day will no longer involve much effort. Do you work from home? Air conditioning has been proven to improve productivity and concentration. As opposed to a noisy fan.

An important factor that affects comfort is the humidity in the room. Air conditioners regulate the amount of moisture in the air. If you choose a model with a dehumidifier additionally you will be able to use this feature during periods of increased humidity. When you dry laundry in the apartment in autumn and winter, you can use the dehumidification function. It will not only help reduce the humidity in the air, but also speed up the process of drying the laundry.

Pompa ciepła z klimatyzacją jest wyposażona w termostat, który umożliwia regulację temperatury w pomieszczeniu. Możesz ustawić żądaną temperaturę, a pompa ciepła będzie dostosowywać swoje działanie, aby utrzymać ją na odpowiednim poziomie.

The air-conditioning heat pump is equipped with a thermostat that allows you to regulate the temperature in the room. You can set the desired temperature and the heat pump will adjust its operation to keep it at the right level.

Photo Lisaphotos195 © Pixabay

Better air quality

Today's air conditioners are equipped with air-purifying filtration systems that clean the air of dust and dirt particles, allergens (such as pollen and pet dander) and other bacteria, which is beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory diseases. They also keep humidity levels low and ensure that the house is well ventilated. An additional advantage of using air conditioning is that it reduces the number of insects in the apartment. Some insect species do not feel comfortable in lower temperatures.

Prevention of diseases associated with overheating

As a result of overheating during hot weather, your health can suddenly deteriorate. Stroke and dehydration are life-threatening conditions that most often affect young children and the elderly. It's worth investing in air conditioning at home to better protect yourself from the consequences of hot weather.

Protect furniture and home furnishings

Heat, and especially the humidity that often accompanies it, can wreak havoc on furniture of all kinds. Wood gains and loses moisture with the surrounding air, leading to warping over time. Leather also absorbs moisture, which can eventually cause that stylish sofa to rot. And any fabric is susceptible to mold, which spreads in a humid environment.

Phones and computers that we rely on every day can fail badly when temperatures rise, leading to data loss and an overall shorter lifespan. If your workplace has computer servers, they can be completely destroyed or at least suffer serious damage if they are not cooled sufficiently.

Did you know that you can get an air conditioning subsidy?

The My Current 5.0 program, which launched in April this year, provides subsidies for the installation of air conditioners with a heating function. An air conditioner that works on the principle of an air-to-air heat pump (with a heating function) meets the requirements set by the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund. The subsidy for such equipment is PLN 4400 (up to 50% of eligible costs).

You already know why it is worth investing in year-round air conditioning

Installing such a solution in the house increases living comfort, but also the value of the property. Constant temperature and humidity in the house creates healthy, friendly conditions. Equipment of this type can be partially financed by subsidies offered by the My Current 5.0 or Clean Air programs. Installing year-round air conditioning is an investment that pays for itself in the form of lower building operating costs.

We have more air conditioning tips for you

Compiled by:MAGDA HABEL

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