Clean Air for flood victims. The call for applications for the special edition has started

16 of December '24
w skrócie
  1. A special edition of the Clean Air program was launched on December 12.
  2. This time, the subsidy is aimed at flood victims.
  3. Assistance can be given to people from four provinces: the Lower Silesian, Lubuskie, Opolskie and Silesian.
  4. The total budget for flood relief is PLN 300 million.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

As of December 12, applications for funding under the Clean Air Program for flood victims can now be submitted. The budget for removing the effects of flooding in four provinces: the Lower Silesian, Lubuskie, Opolskie and Silesian is PLN 300 million.

Special edition of the Clean Air program

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has prepared support for those affected by this year's flood. This edition of the Clean Air program has a simplified procedure and a fast disbursement path. The deadline for processing applications and disbursement of grants is up to 14 days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents, respectively. Applications can be submitted until March 31, 2025 or the funds are exhausted.

Poszkodowani podczas powodzi mogą otrzymać dofinansowanie na termomodernizację domu

Flood victims can receive subsidies for, among other things, thermal modernization of their homes

© iStock

What can the subsidy be used for?

The subsidy can be used for replacing a heat source, thermal modernization of the house, photovoltaic installation and energy audit. The subsidy can be combined with the targeted benefit paid to flood victims as part of the repair and construction assistance. However, the total amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 100 percent of the eligible costs of the project plus VAT. The beneficiary can submit a maximum of three applications for payment. Thus, there is no need to wait for complete completion of the work and receipt of all invoices. This makes it possible to carry out investments in stages.

Pomoc przeznaczona jest dla mieszkańców czterech województw: dolnośląskiego, lubuskiego, opolskiego i śląskiego

The aid is intended for residents of four provinces: the Lower Silesian, Lubuskie, Opolskie and Silesian provinces.

© iStock

Who can receive the subsidy?

The aid is aimed at individuals who are owners or co-owners of a residential building damaged by flooding from four provinces: Lower Silesia, Lubuskie, Opolskie and Silesia. Importantly, the estimated extent of damage must be at least 5%. In addition, the building must not have been previously covered by an active or ongoing Clean Air Program grant contract. At the basic level, the subsidy is eligible regardless of income. Two further income thresholds have been set for lower earners. The maximum subsidy can be up to PLN 136.2 thousand. At the same time, as of November 28, 2024, it is not possible to apply under the current Clean Air program in other parts of the country.

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