How to choose a facade paint?

18 of July '24
w skrócie
  1. Facade paint is a specialized product intended for the external surfaces of buildings.
  2. We can choose from acrylic, silicone, silicate, lime and polymer paints.
  3. To paint 100 sqm of facade, we need about 20 liters of product. However, this depends on the specific paint.
  4. The cost of painting an elevation of the same area is about 6,000 PLN.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

The facade is the „business card” of our house. However, the exterior of the building is exposed to changing weather conditions and dirt. So how to renew the facade cheaply and effectively? Check out our tips on painting the facade and choosing the right paint.

Farba elewacyjna musi być odporna na warunki atmosferyczne i zabrudzenia

Facade paint must be resistant to weather conditions and dirt

© Tikkurila

What are the characteristics of facade paint?

Facade paint is a specialized product designed for painting the exterior surfaces of buildings. Its purpose is not only to give an aesthetic appearance, but also to protect the facade from mechanical damage and adverse weather conditions. Facade paint must be resistant to rain, snow, frost, UV radiation and temperature changes. This protects the facade from damage and ensures its durability for many years. It should also be resistant to dirt, dust and atmospheric pollutants. Products for painting facades are also easy to clean. A good facade paint should allow the walls to „breathe", that is, allow water vapor to pass from inside the building to the outside, while not allowing moisture to penetrate inside. This prevents the formation of mold and mildew indoors. In addition, some facade paints are flexible, which allows them to "work” with the surface. This is because the wall can expand and contract under the influence of temperature changes. This prevents the paint from cracking and peeling.

Do wyboru mamy farby akrylowe, silikonowe, silikatowe, wapienne oraz polimerowe

We can choose from acrylic, silicone, silicate, lime and polymer paints

© Tikkurila

Types of facade paints

Acrylic paints

Popular for their good weather and UV resistance. They are easy to apply and offer a wide selection of colors.

Silicone paints

They have very good resistance to water and dirt, as well as high vapor permeability. For this reason, they are often used on facades exposed to extreme weather conditions.

Silicate paints

They are characterized by high durability, fire resistance and good vapor permeability. However, they require special substrate.

Lime paints

Traditional paints used mainly for restoration of monuments. They have antiseptic properties. They are vapor permeable, but also less resistant to weathering.

Polymeric paints

They combine the characteristics of acrylic and silicone paints. They offer good weather and dirt resistance and high vapor permeability.

Farba elewacyjna powinna umożliwiać „oddychanie” ścian

Facade paint should allow the walls to "breathe"

Photo: wirestock © Freepik

What to consider when choosing a facade paint?


If the building is exposed to extreme weather conditions, consider silicone or polymer paint.


If you care about a wide range of colors and ease of application, choose acrylic paint.


Silicone and polymer paints offer good stain resistance and long-lasting protection.

Type of surface

For older or historic buildings, lime and silicate paints will work best.

Farba elewacyjna powinna być odporna na zabrudzenia

Facade paint should be dirt-resistant

© Tikkurila

How much product is needed to paint 100 sqm of facade?

This depends on several factors, such as the type of paint, the absorbency of the substrate, the application method and the number of coats. In general, the paint capacity is written by the manufacturer on the label and varies depending on the specific product. It can be, for example, 10 m²/liter per coat. Two coats are usually needed to adequately paint the facade. With such assumptions, we will need 20 liters of product to paint 100 m² of facade.

However, we need to take into account additional factors. If the substrate is very absorbent, it may be necessary to apply more paint or use a primer. We should also take into account possible product losses associated with the method of application (for example, spraying may generate more of them than painting with a roller or brush).

Aby uzyskać równomierne krycie i głębię koloru, nałóż dwie warstwy farby

To achieve even coverage and depth of color, apply two coats of paint

Photo: nikitabuida © Freepik

How to paint the facade?


Paint on dry, warm days with low humidity. The optimal temperature is between 15 and 25 °C. Cover windows, doors, plants and other items that are near the work area. Before painting, pressure wash the facade with water to remove dirt, dust, mold and other contaminants. Then repair any cracks, cavities and damage. Use a suitable joint compound or mortar for this. Then, apply a coat of primer. This is especially important for new or previously unpainted surfaces. This will ensure better adhesion of the paint. Prepare a roller and brush. A roller with long bristles will work well for painting large, flat surfaces. A brush, on the other hand, will be useful for finishing details, corners and other hard-to-reach areas.


Mix the paint thoroughly to get a uniform consistency. Apply a thin, even coat of paint. Work from top to bottom to avoid streaks. Try to apply paint to edges that are still wet to avoid visible joints. Paint the edges and details first with a brush, then cover larger areas with a roller. Allow the paint to dry before applying another coat. This usually takes couple hours. When the surface is ready, apply a second coat of paint to achieve even coverage and depth of color. Once the paint is dry, check the facade for any empty spots or unevenness.

How much does it cost to paint a facade?

The cost of facade paint depends on its type and quality. The average price per liter veries from 20 to 60 PLN. If you need a primer, you have to include in your budget additional 10-20 PLN per liter. For hiring professionals, you will have to pay from 20 to 50 PLN per m². The cost of surface preparation can range from 5 to 15 PLN per m². For renting scaffolding you will pay from 200 to 500 PLN per week. Assuming average prices for paint, labor and additional materials, the total cost of painting an elevation of 100 m² is about 6000 PLN.

Are you renovating your house? We have proven tips for you on facades


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