How to design a child's room? 5 practical tips

31 of May '24
w skrócie
  1. Choose furniture with soft edges.
  2. Remember about plenty of storage space for toys.
  3. Create areas for sleeping, studying and playing.
  4. Use bright, cheerful colors.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

Tomorrow is children's day! To mark the occasion, we have 5 practical tips for arranging a kids' room for you.

Zadbaj o to, aby maluch czuł, że ma swoje prywatne miejsce

Make sure the toddler feels that it is his own private place

© WestwingNow

Safety first

A child's own room is supposed to be his private kingdom. He needs to feel comfortable and safe. Before buying, take a closer look at the furniture. Choose those with rounded edges, so they won't be dangerous to the toddler. Avoid small pieces that can pose a choking hazard. Also make sure all furniture is stable.

Wybierz meble z łagodnymi krawędziami

Choose furniture with soft edges

© WestwingNow


Every parent knows that children grow very quickly. Choose furniture that "grows" with them. For example, extension beds or adjustable desks. Remember to create plenty of storage space. Equip shelves and cabinets with baskets, crates and colorful boxes. This will keep the whole thing organized, but at the same time aesthetically pleasing. In addition, children will be more willing to clean up toys if the storage system is interesting and colorful.

Wybierz regulowane łóżko, aby mebel posłużył dziecku na dłużej

Choose an adjustable bed so your child can use it for a longer period of time

© WestwingNow

Separate practical zones

Divide your child's room into several functional zones: for sleeping, studying and playing. Make sure that the toddler will have enough space in each of them. You can separate the different parts of the room, for example, with a bookcase or a curtain. Another way to separate the zones is to use carpets. For example, place a soft fluffy rug next to the bed, place a carpet with shorter pile next to the desk, and use a colorful mat in the play area.

Podziel pokój na poszczególne strefy

Divide the room into different zones

© WestwingNow

Fairytale colors

Choose bright, cheerful colors that will stimulate your child's imagination. If you want a softer effect, use pastels. Add decorative elements, such as wall stickers, posters with favorite characters or garlands. Make sure that the decorations can be easily changed so that the room can „grow” with the child.

Postaw na żywe kolory

Opt for vibrant colors

© WestwingNow


Be sure to consider your child's taste and interests when arranging the room. Let your toddler participate in decorating the room. This can include painting the walls together, choosing bedding or decorations. Add items that have special meaning for the child, such as favorite toys, books and mementos.

Urządzając pokój, uwzględnij pasje i zainteresowania dziecka

When decorating a room, consider your child's passions and interests

© WestwingNow

Check out our tips on decorating a child's room


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