Beige room for a child? By all means!

04 of August '22

What features should a young child's room have? Is it possible to successfully escape the accumulation of kitsch in infant rooms? The realization by Anna Blaszczyk of the Artewizjon studio shows how it can be done.

Pokój dziecka

Baby's room

Photo: Michal Sierakowski, © Artewizjon

The room is part of the arrangement "Without borders", which we presented on the portal Home Products. It is a separate space adapted to the needs of a young child. The interior is completely different from other spaces in the house. Mainly by adapting to a young child.

Pokój dziecka

Baby's room

Photo: Michal Sierakowski, © Artewizjon

On the floor, a standard parquet floor was decided upon. As for the color scheme, soft, warm grays reign supreme here. Exceptional accents beyond this scale are the blue shade of the wall by the window and a green plant on one of the shelves.

The furniture is kept in uniform color tones. Made of wood, they mimic traditional wood products, emphasizing the shape of the boards and the grain. They feature French terms referring to the elements and nature. One piece of furniture literally resembles a small house.

Pokój dziecka

Children's room

Photo: Michal Sierakowski, © Artewizjon

Above all, a nice wallpaper with a motif of pandas flying using balloons attracts attention. Going beyond traditional conventions, the wallpaper is in harmony with the color tones used in the implementation. All other accessories were kept in identical color tones, without causing aesthetic differences.

Pokój dziecka

A similar arrangement was created in the room of an older child

Photo: Michal Sierakowski, © Artewizjon

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