Bathroom full of light

01 of December '23
w skrócie
  1. The project was created by Aleksandra Polakowska from Deer Design studio.
  2. The investors wanted to have a window in the bathroom.
  3. An open walk-in shower was hidden behind the sink wall.
  4. The author of the built-in furniture is Aleksandra Przychodzka from Pracownia Stolarska Deer Wood.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal.

The apartment designed by Aleksandra Polakowska of Deer Design studio is located in Warsaw. The apartment in Warsaw's Mordor district belongs to a pair of businessmen who travel frequently due to business.

Pojemne zabudowy zaprojektowała Aleksandra Przychodzka z Pracowni Stolarskiej Deer Wood

The capacious built-ins were designed by Aleksandra Przychodzka of Pracownia Stolarska Deer Wood.

Photo: Zagórny Studio

A place of respite

The investors stay in the 128-square-meter apartment between one trip and the next. That's why the location was so important to them. They chose the Mordor district of Warsaw, as the part of the capital filled with office buildings and company complexes is jokingly called. They bought the apartment from a developer, so that they could fill it with their own story from the beginning. Among other things, the owners dreamed of an unusual, bright bathroom. The investors wanted it to have room for a window, a pair of sinks and a large shower area.

Inwestorzy chcieli, aby w łazience zmalazła się para umywalek Miedziane baterie kontrastują z antracytowym tłem

Copper faucets contrast with the anthracite background

Photo: Zagórny Studio

A shower with a view

To achieve this, the space between the bathroom and the bedroom had to be changed. To maximize the washing area, the dressing room had to be moved. Now it is a part of the bedroom. As a result, the bathroom has been significantly enlarged and has gained a window that investors dreamed of.

- We wanted the bathroom to be bright, especially the part with the sinks - explains Deer Design architect Aleksandra Polakowska.

The space was illuminated by the use of glazing in the wall dividing the sink area from the shower. Now, more light enters from the window through the translucent glass. The washbasins were embedded in the connector. Below them there is a capacious cabinet with drawers. Above the washbashins, between the glass panes, hangs a large mirror. Despite its large size, it looks very light, as if it is levitating above the countertop.

W strefie prysznicowej znajduje się okno Strefa prysznica została wyłożona matowym antracytowym gresem z wyraźną fakturą

In the shower area there is a window

Photo: Zagórny Studio

Hidden functionality

There is plenty of storage space here. One entire wall is made from a built-in. It was created by Aleksandra Przychodzka of Pracownia Stolarska Deer Wood. Deep cabinets are hidden behind simple fronts in dark veneer and open shelves were left at the sinks. This is a great place for cosmetics and handy accessories. Thanks to the black cladding, the built-ins become virtually unnoticeable.

Duże lustro wydaje się unosić w powietrzu

The large mirror seems to float in the air

Photo: Zagórny Studio

Maintaining intimacy

A contrast was used on the walls and floor. Smooth tiles in a shade of sandy beige are juxtaposed with matte anthracite stoneware with a distinct texture. The second also appear in the shower area. The walk-in shower, with a large rain shower head, opens up to the bathroom, but at the same time is enclosed by the washbasin wall. This solution creates a sense of intimacy and gives an unusual look. The challenge in this zone was to properly contour the floor so that the water drains gently without posing a threat to the rest of the room. This was achieved by creating a convenient slope and using a linear drain.

Prysznic został oddzielony od reszty łazienki ścianką umywalkową

The shower was separated from the rest of the bathroom by a washbasin wall

Photo: Zagórny Studio

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