Shade and coolness: choosing the right roofing and outdoor blind systems for summer terraces

31 of July '23

The terrace in summer becomes a natural extension of the house. It allows you to enjoy the clean air, the birds singing in the morning and the view of the garden in its most beautiful bloom. The veranda is the perfect place for a comfortable armchair, a cup of your favorite coffee and an engaging book. The only thing you can't bring from the house to the terrace is air conditioning. How to ensure shade and coolness without giving up the charms of open space? An optimized system of canopies and outdoor blinds will turn your terrace into a comfortable summer relaxation zone!

Terrace canopies - check out the available options

As many buildings, as many ideas for a terrace! If you already have a vision of your dream veranda, the range of solutions available on the market will certainly allow you to realize it. The range of terrace roofing systems is very wide. Before making a decision, consider several factors: your budget, the size of your terrace, the style of your buildings and garden, as well as the weather conditions in your area.

Modern terrace canopies range from simple structures that provide shade to complex automatically controlled systems. They can be divided into several basic categories:

  • automatic or manual awnings,

  • minimalist pergolas, made of aluminum, wood or steel,

  • glass roofs and glazed structures,

  • polycarbonate terrace buildings with sliding elements, allowing you to regulate the sunlight.

You can treat all of these solutions hybrid (for example, a pergola with a fabric roof), creating a unique and functional solution to suit your needs. But first, learn how to put these blocks together!

 Zanim zaczniesz projektować wymarzony taras, weź pod uwagę kilka czynników: jego powierzchnię, styl, warunki atmosferyczne w Twojej okolicy oraz oczywiście budżet.

Before you start designing your dream terrace, consider several factors: its area, style, weather conditions in your area and, of course, your budget.

Photo by Esaias Tan © Unsplash

Modern terrace awnings: shade at your fingertips

To create the simplest terrace, all you need to do is to carve out a space in the immediate vicinity of the house and provide it with a sunshade. This is exactly the effect you will achieve by installing a terrace awning. The awning gives you the possibility to cover up to 25 m², and you can install it either on the wall of the building, or on rafter or ceiling brackets.

Garden awnings are covered with impregnated fabrics that have additional protection against dirt, are waterproof and equipped with UV filters.

Their appearance surprises with stylish minimalism. Awnings in discreet anthracite cassettes perfectly complement modern construction. They can be equipped with an automatic extension system and LED lighting in the arms and cassette of the device.

The terrace awning will protect the homeowners from the sun and not much rain. However, in the event of a sudden downpour or gusty wind, you will have to remember to fold it down to avoid damage.

Pergola to ogólna nazwa konstrukcji ogrodowych, które składają się z pionowych elementów nośnych oraz zadaszenia. Dach ma często formę poliwęglanowych lameli, które regulują stopień nasłonecznienia tarasu. 

A pergola is a general name for garden structures that consist of vertical supporting elements and a canopy. The roof is often in the form of polycarbonate fins that regulate the degree of sunlight on the terrace.

Photo by Florian Schmidinger © Unsplash

A terrace on your terms? Opt for a pergola!

If your backyard terrace is to be your intimate space, protecting not only from the sun and rain, but also from the gazes of passers-by - you should definitely consider a pergola. What exactly is it?

Terrace pergola is the general name for garden structures that consist of vertical supporting elements and a complete or partial canopy. A pergola can be placed adjacent to the wall of the house, but also as a separate development in the garden. Its frame can be made of wooden or aluminum elements, while the roof is covered with polycarbonate slats. Pergolas give you many opportunities to customize your terrace designs:

  • a terrace pergola gives you the opportunity to roof any large space,

  • if you like DIY, you can order a structure for self-assembly,

  • a large selection of construction materials, shapes and colors gives you the opportunity to adapt the appearance of the pergola to the style and surroundings of your home,

  • some systems give you the option of draining rainwater through downpipes mounted in the posts,

  • the roof of the pergola can be in the form of polycarbonate slats (also known as feathers) with an adjustable angle of as much as 135⁰ - this gives you the possibility to completely or partially shade the terrace,

  • the pergola is an excellent scaffolding for various types of blinds, shades, as well as glass panels to protect from the wind and the glances of neighbors.

Terrace pergolas are much more durable structures than awnings, yet lightweight and easy to maintain. An enclosed and sheltered pergola will allow you to be largely independent of weather conditions. And it gives you the opportunity to store your furniture, cushions and blankets on the terrace all season long!

Pergola jest znakomitym rusztowaniem dla różnego rodzaju przesłon, rolet i paneli, chroniących przed wiatrem i spojrzeniami sąsiadów. Warto również zamontować moskitiery, aby uwolnić się od uciążliwych owadów.

The pergola is an excellent scaffolding for a variety of shades, blinds and panels to protect you from the wind and the stares of neighbors. It's also worth installing mosquito nets to keep you free from bothersome insects.

Photo by Madeline Pere © UNSPLASH

What else do you need to know about modern garden pergolas?

A terrace can be an extremely flexible design, offering opportunities for modification and expansion. That's why garden pergolas are becoming increasingly popular - with them you can create a simple canopy for a family barbecue, as well as conjure up an additional summer room, adjacent to the living room.

Learn about the features that can be crucial to your project.

Conjure up an amazing atmosphere on your summer terrace!

The modern terrace canopy is a structure that is automatically controlled by remote control, or mobile app. With one button you can change the angle of the slats or spread the fabric roof. If your home has a smart system, you can assign it the function of managing light and shade on the terrace space. Another smart solution is a weather sensor, which will automatically unfold the canopy at the first drops of rain.

Do you like to host summer parties in the garden? A cozy terrace will be a comfortable asylum for guests, where they will not only find shelter from the evening chill. You can install LED lighting in a modern terrace pergola, which will extend each summer evening indefinitely and conjure up an amazing atmosphere. Many designs also include an audio system, so that music will discreetly fill the terrace without disturbing the householders or neighbors.

Or maybe you dream of a backyard veranda, which will be a natural extension of the house also outside the summer season? Thanks to a modern pergola you have such an opportunity!

Jeżeli zdecydujesz się na pełne przeszklenie pergoli, uzyskasz przydomową werandę, która poza sezonem może pełnić rolę ogrodu zimowego. Taki taras można wyposażyć w oświetlenie LED, system audio, a także promienniki ciepła.

If you decide to fully glaze the pergola, you will get a backyard veranda, which in the off-season can serve as a winter garden. Such a terrace can be equipped with LED lighting, an audio system, as well as radiant heaters.

Photo by Max Rahubovskiy © Pexels

Shades, external blinds and glazing - when you want to turn a terrace into a veranda

The pergola structure is an excellent scaffolding for various types of covers that will allow you to conjure up a more or less enclosed space within your home terrace. Here again, much depends on your needs.

Terrace covers can be divided into several categories:

  • screen-type sunshades - that is, shades made of dedicated technical fabrics that reflect the sun's rays; they can be rolled up thanks to convenient guides, and thanks to the mosquito net function, they also protect against bothersome insects,

  • external blinds - these are sunscreens in the form of lamellas, thanks to which you can regulate the degree of sunlight also on the walls of the terrace,

  • glazing made of tempered glass with a thickness of 8, 10 or 12 mm, which are extremely resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions.

You don't have to limit yourself to one solution! You can adjust the covering of the terrace walls to the degree of sunlight, installing external blinds where the most sun usually comes in, and only a mosquito net on the shaded side.

If you opt for a fully glazed pergola, you will get a backyard veranda, which in the off-season can serve as a winter garden. Glass panels can also be pulled down, and external guides allow you to install all kinds of blinds and shades that will protect the glazed terrace from the sun. Companies specializing in the realization of elaborate terraces also offer the installation of radiant heaters, which maintain a pleasant temperature on the terrace during cold weather.

Your terrace is your kingdom! A wide range of solutions will allow you to realize even the most complex project. However, remember to trust the specialists who will offer you the best technologies and materials. Only a well-thought-out terrace will be a comfortable place of rest for many seasons to come.

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