Beautiful terrace. Which terrace tiles will work best?

08 of April '24
w skrócie
  1. Terrace tiles are a finishing material used for terraces and outdoor spaces.
  2. Terrace tiles can be made for example, of natural stone, ceramic, wood imitation material, concrete or stoneware.
  3. Non-slip tiles reduce the risk of accidents.
  4. Poor installation, inadequate substrate preparation, excessive loads, harsh weather conditions and lack of regular maintenance can cause tiles to fall off.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

The season for relaxing outdoors is just beginning. This is a good time to focus on the arrangement of the terrace. What finish will be durable, aesthetically pleasing and functional? A proven option is terrace tiles.

Płytki antypoślizgowe zwiększą bezpieczeństwo korzystania z tarasu

Anti-slip tiles will increase the safety of using the terrace

© Klink

What are terrace tiles?

Terrace tiles are a popular finishing material used for terraces and outdoor spaces. Choosing the right tiles depends on our aesthetic preferences, the architectural style of the building, the available budget and climatic conditions.

When choosing terrace tiles, it is worth paying attention to their slip and abrasion resistance, ease of installation and maintenance, as well as compatibility with other architectural elements of the building. It is also a good idea to consult professionals to choose the material that best suits your specific needs.

Płytki tarasowe mogą imitować drewno

Terrace tiles can imitate wood

© Klink

Types of terrace tiles

Stone tiles

Stone tiles are an excellent choice for those who want to create a terrace with an atmosphere close to nature. Tiles made of natural stone can also serve as a decorative element of the facade. Such raw materials as granite, limestone and travertine will work well for outdoor use. They are durable, resistant to weather conditions and mechanical damage.

Stoneware tiles

Stoneware tiles are available in many designs and colors, so there is something for everyone. This type of terrace tiles retain its color even when exposed to intense sunlight or rainfall.

Wood-like tiles

If you want to enjoy the charm of wood, but want to avoid regular maintenance, choose wood-like terrace tiles. They are durable and easy to keep clean. In addition, these tiles are also more resistant to mechanical damage and moisture compared to real wood.

Ceramic tiles

They are durable, easy to clean and available in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. They can be used on terraces due to their resistance to weather conditions.

Concrete tiles

Concrete patio tiles are durable and relatively inexpensive. They are available in various shapes, sizes and patterns. They can also be colored for a unique visual effect.

How thick should the terrace tiles be?

Ceramic and stone tiles for terraces are usually 8 to 12 mm thick. For larger formats, choose thicker tiles to ensure greater durability. Concrete tiles range in thickness from 20 to 40 mm. Choosing the right thickness depends on specific operating conditions, such as the load on the terrace and weather conditions. Woodgrain terrace tiles usually have a thickness of 20 to 30 mm.

Wybierając płytki tarasowe, zwróć uwagę na odporność na ścieranie, antypoślizgowość, łatwość montażu i konserwacji oraz to, czy pasują do reszty budynku

When choosing terrace tiles, pay attention to abrasion and slip resistance, ease of installation and maintenance and whether they match the rest of the building

Photo: Florian Schmidinger © UNSPLASH

Anti-slip terrace tiles

Anti-slip terrace tiles are a special type of tiles that are designed to ensure the safety of terrace users, especially in wet, rainy or snowy conditions, when the surface can become slippery. The right anti-slip tiles can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

Coefficient of friction

Anti-slip terrace tiles should have a sufficiently high coefficient of friction. This means that the surface of the tiles provides a good grip, even when wet.

Surface structure

Anti-slip tiles usually have a specially designed surface structure that provides better adhesion. This can include protuberances, depressions, micro-gaps or other features.


When choosing anti-slip patio tiles, it is worth paying attention to the material from which they are made. Some of them, can be adapted to the needs of anti-slip by appropriate surface treatment.

Tests and certifications

Some anti-slip terrace tiles may have certificates confirming their anti-slip properties. It is worth paying attention to this to be sure you are buying a quality product.

Zadbaj o to, aby płytki tarasowe pasowały do reszty budynku

Ensure that the terrace tiles match the rest of the building

Photo: Point 3d commercial imaging ltd © UNSPLASH

Why do terrace tiles fall off?

If tiles have not been properly installed or glued to the substrate, they may be prone to falling off. Insufficient adhesive, poor subfloor preparation or failure to properly level the area can lead to problems with the durability of the installation. Also, the choice of poor-quality materials, such as inadequate adhesive or underlayment, can lead to problems with tile durability. A terrace can be prone to tiles falling off if it is loaded with too much weight, such as from placing large furniture or other objects on it. Harsh weather conditions, such as strong winds, downpours or sudden temperature changes, can affect the durability of terrace tile installations. Frost is particularly problematic. It can cause cracking and deformation of the substrate. Lack of regular maintenance, such as sealing joints or repairing damage, can lead to deterioration of the installation and tiles falling off.

We've got more information for you about tiles and patio design!


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