How do interiors meet our emotional needs?

21 of March '23

Previously, we have already looked at the report's findings talking about the impact of staying at home on our well-being. Today we will look at the topic of meeting emotional needs.

Each year IKEA asks thousands of people to share their thoughts on topics related to where they live, and then publishes the report "IKEA. Life at Home." The 2022 survey was conducted in 37 countries, asking a total of 37,405 people over the age of 18. In Poland, 1,006 people took part in the survey.

Own four walls

For many Poles, having their own home or apartment is one of the most important values among such needs as security, privacy, comfort, pleasure, ownership, fulfillment and belonging. This can also be seen in other data. Poland is among the top five countries with the highest percentage of ownership housing in the EU. Compared to the global average, Poles are also more likely to find comfort and privacy in them. Meanwhile, interestingly, renters report a greater sense of belonging to the location where they live than owners.

Dla Polaków ważne jest posiadanie własnego mieszkania lub domu

For Poles, owning their own apartment or house is important

Photo: Photomix company © Pexels

Positive changes

Compared to last year, 36% of Poles feel more positive emotions toward their home, 10% feel more negative, and 50% feel no difference. The survey shows that in this regard, it is people with higher incomes who show more emotional connection to their home.



© Ikea

Individual space

Meeting all the needs included in the survey is important to more than 8 out of 10 Poles. Security (70%), privacy (66%) and comfort (58%) were most frequently indicated as most important in the survey. Compared to respondents from other countries, we stand out with a greater need for possessions (home or apartment) and a sense of belonging.

In terms of pursuing our interests, we are less likely to require that our homes include space for hobbies and related activities (Poland 24% vs. the world 29%). Nonetheless, 36% of Poles, especially men, declared that space for their needs and interests makes the home reflect their personality.

Ważne jest dla nas miejsce na hobby

Space for hobbies is important to us

Photo by Jonathan Borba © UNSPLASH

You can read the entire report here


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