Interior warmed by natural wood

02 of April '24

The 77-square-meter apartment is located in Warsaw. Łukasz Radecki and Katarzyna Fotek of the Decoroom studio created an arrangement combining modern classic style with a club atmosphere.

Otwarta strefa dzienna składa się z kuchni, jadalni i salonu

The open living area consists of a kitchen, dining area and living room

Photo: / Marta Behling


Architects from the Decoroom studio created both the arrangment and furniture developments. They proposed significant changes in the functional layout, already at the design stage.

- We proposed incorporating the corridor space into the bedroom, which allowed us to get more space for a capacious closet. Meanwhile, by demolishing the wall in the kitchen, we obtained an open living room with a kitchenette, full of daylight. The investor wanted to enlarge the living area, so we also demolished the doorway to the living room, which made it flow smoothly into the entrance area and give a sense of spaciousness — emphasizes interior designer Łukasz Radecki.

Zabudowę w holu wieńczy wygodne siedzisko

The lobby development has a comfortable seat

Photo: / Marta Behling

The heart of the house

The central point of the living area is the kitchen. It connects with the relaxation space and the dining room. The use of original teak wood veneer on the fronts of the upper kitchen cabinets attracts attention. It blends in perfectly with the anthracite finish of the rest of the furniture and the quartz sintering with a subtle grain used on the countertops and in the working area. The built-ins also include an illuminated glass display case, which is a great place to store glassware and tableware. An important part of this zone is a multifunctional kitchen island. It can serve as an additional workspace or dining table. In addition, it has a shelf for wine and hidden cargo system. The dining area consists of a table with a top matched with teak veneer and a set of elegant velvet upholstered chairs.

W wyspie kuchennej zaprojektowano miejsce do przechowywania wina Górne szafki zostały pokryte fornirem z drewna teakowego

The kitchen island has a wine storage area

Photo: / Marta Behling

Full of contrasts

The open living room was furnished with a designer corner sofa in a sandy shade of beige. The furniture contrasts interestingly with the dark kitchen. The TV wall was finished with marble, tiles with a structured finish and gold trim. A bio-fireplace was also installed in the RTV cabinet section. The range of materials and colors used here determines the character of the rest of the apartment, including the entrance area. In the lobby, we can find a large number of practical cabinets with mirrored fronts, which optically enlarge the space. There is also a comfortable upholstered seat. Discreetly glossy details juxtaposed with dark quartz sinter imitating stone and wood emphasize the elegant character of the apartment and are the elements that bind the whole concept together.

Ściana z TV została wykończona marmurem

The TV wall was finished with marble

Photo: / Marta Behling

Unobvious connections

The private zone consists of a small study, a bedroom, as well as a bathroom and a separate toilet. The bedroom, kept in dark colors, refers stylistically to the other rooms. A laminate with a marble motif was laid on part of the wall behind the bed. It is complemented by a decorative panel with precisely cut geometric ornaments covered with veneer, which is additionally illuminated with atmospheric leds. On the opposite side of the room, we can find gold trim. Bedside cabinets and a functional closet covered with tinted glass were made to measure.

Dekoracją sypialni jest ściana za łóżkiem

The wall behind the bed got decorated 

Photo: / Marta Behling

Using the space

The apartment has a bathroom and separate toilet. Visually, however, they present themselves as a whole due to the color scheme and the materials used, as well as the furnishings. Architects used high-quality stoneware tiles imitating stone and wood, as well as timeless ceramics in broken white and fixtures complementing the arrangement. The investor wanted the bathroom to include a bathtub. Designers added a minimalist screen to it, which also allows taking a shower. Behind the fluted fronts of the high built-in, there is a cleverly hidden washing mashine.

Łazienka i toaleta to osobne pomieszczenia, wyglądają jednak spójnie dzięki przemyślanej aranżacji Architektom udało się wydzielić osobną toaletę

The bathroom and toilet are separate rooms, but they look cohesive thanks to a well-thought-out arrangement

Photo: / Marta Behling

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