Kitchen with illuminated onyx

05 of January '24

We have previously presented a bathroom designed by Anna Maria Sokołowska. Today we take a look into the kitchen of an apartment in Gdynia.

Aneks kuchenny jest częścią strefy dziennej

The kitchenette is part of the living area

Photo by Fotomohito

Elegant space

The apartment in the Yacht Park development was decorated in modern classic style. The investors wanted a luxurious arrangement and an open layout of the rooms. Together with the designer, they opted for a combination of onyx and gold. Everything is complemented by a subdued and warm color scheme, which makes the interior cozy.

Główną ozdobą kuchni jest podświetlany onyks

The main decoration of the kitchen is illuminated onyx

Photo by Fotomohito

- I think we combined all these elements into a cohesive elegant apartment, devoid of glamour and unnecessary details. For me, simplicity, even in more complex projects, is the basis from which I start — describes the architect.

Dolne szafki zostały podwieszone

The lower cabinets are suspended

Photo by Fotomohito

Rhythm and shapes

The kitchenette is part of the living area and at the same time the decoration of the entire space. You won't find upper cabinets in it, while the lower ones have been suspended. Thanks to this, the arrangement has gained lightness. The island 's cabinets and countertop were made of sintered tiles. It is worth noting the recurring motif of vertical lines. They can be found on the milling of the fronts and the golden base of the hockers standing by the island. The gold lamp also introduces geometric motifs.

W aranżacji powtarza się motyw pionowych linii

The motif of vertical lines is repeated in the arrangement

Photo by Fotomohito

Spectacular effect

The most interesting element of the kitchen is the natural onyx, which is located on the main wall. It was mounted on a special steel-frame and illuminated from behind, which, especially in the evening, gives an amazing effect. The light in warm colors has a decorative function, but is also sufficient to illuminate the entire space without having to turn on other lights.

Ściana z onyksu może być podświetlona

The onyx wall can be illuminated

Photo by Fotomohito

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more inspiration for you!


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