Room for children? We suggest how to decorate!

09 of September '22

Designing a children's room is one of the most important points in creating a home design. What to do to make a place intended for a child remarkable? We present a selection of realizations that may inspire you.

Mezzanine with rope and wicker lamps

The project by Ewelina Białobrzewska from the studio 4 angles a table 5 is an interesting realization. From the choice of wallpaper motifs, curtains and lamp shades to the access to the small mezzanine. It can be accessed by a rope or grid located near the ceiling. This is a unique room combining creativity and unusual design solutions.

Niesztampowy pokój od 4 kąty a stół 5

Unorthodox room from 4 angles a table 5

© 4 angles a table 5

In the attic

How to create a space in the attic? Designers from the Decoroom studio tried to create children's rooms in the most functional way possible. Thanks to the right layout, softness and ergonomics reign here!

Pokój na poddaszu od Decoroom

Attic room from Decoroom

Photo by Marek Koptynski, © Decoroom

With an animal theme!

In a room for a small child created by The Wall studios, we will find everything a small child needs. Here we have motifs with wild animals, unified colors and interesting design. The quality of the toys doesn't stand out either.

Motyw dzikich zwierząt od The Wall

Wild animal motif from The Wall

Photo by Magdalena Łojewska Vey photography, © The Wall - Pracownia Architektury

In the world of Pandas

Another way of organizing a space for little kids is seen by the Artewizjon studio. Here the panda motif and a more blue color scheme reign supreme. The main advantage, however, remains the uniform character of the furniture, creating a whole.

Świat z motywem pand od Artewizjon

A world with a panda motif from Artewizjon

Photo by Michal Sierakowski, © Artewizjon

In a world of Legos!

Children and adults around the world love the Danish gift to the world. Lego bricks connect generations, allow creative play and develop technical skills. Studio Metro by Metro has created a room whose leitmotiv is Lego bricks.

Pokój Lego od Metr po metrze

Lego room from Metro by Metro

photo by Simple Angles, © Metro by Metro

developed by Wiktor Bochenek

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