Is it worth buying a shower toilet? Advice from architects

23 of February '24

High-tech products have already made their way into the bathroom arrangments. One such solution is a shower toilet. Is it worth buying this device? Check, the advice of interior designers Anna Wilniewczyc and Katarzyna Szramek.

Comfortable device for intimate hygiene — shower toilet or bidet?

Are you wondering which solution will work better in your bathroom? It depends on individual needs, however, the most important thing is that the device should provide hygiene at the highest level and be ergonomic. If you have limited space, choose a shower toilet, which combines the functions of a toilet and bidet. This way you won't clutter a small space.

- Having a shower toilet saves space, because you have one instead of two devices, which is especially important in small bathrooms. In addition, while using such a toilet, we don't have to get up to move to the bidet, which is very convenient and increases the comfort of use. It is also important that we don't use our hands, because the water stream is perfectly directed and rinses our intimate parts by itself. It is simple to control and we can easily adjust it to our needs — both the power and distance of the jet taking into account the anatomical diversity of each of us. The nozzle is rinsed every time and there is no contact with the body. So everything is very hygienic — emphasizes interior designer Anna Wilniewczyc.

Toaleta myjąca łączy w sobie funkcje toalety i bidetu

The shower toilet combines the functions of a toilet and bidet

© Geberit

In addition, such a device will be a good choice if you care about saving money and the environment. Since there is no need for toilet paper, the shower toilet saves a significant amount of raw materials and water.

- The stream is aerated, which leads to lower water consumption, but also makes it very gentle. We also don't have to use toilet paper. In addition, some models have a drying function. It all comes down to saving money — says Anna Wilniewczyc.

If you don't want to buy a whole new appliance, choose the toilet seat with a washing function. This is an excellent alternative for people who already have a toilet bowl.

Toaleta myjąca może być wyposażona w dodatkowe funkcje np. usuwanie nieprzyjemnych zapachów, podgrzewaną deskę z regulacją temperatury lub światło orientacyjne

A shower toilet can be equipped with additional features such as odor removal, a heated seat with temperature control or an orientation light

© Geberit

How to match the shower toilet with the bathroom decor?

Properly blending the device into the rest of the design is key to maintaining harmony throughout the room. Fortunately, the design of this device is simple and universal.

- Fashionable or convenient to use? Certainly both. Shower toilets have become very popular due to their timeless design, saving space and number of modern features, i.e. drying mode, lady shower, heated board, soft lighting or the ability to personalize programs. Shower bowls and showerboards, as they are referred to, fit into any interior. Their shape is so universal and timeless that they find their way into any interior — says architect Katarzyna Szramek.

Before buying a particular model, consider a few things. First, pay attention to the color of the device. If the bathroom has subdued colors, such as white, gray or beige, a toilet in similar shades will blend in perfectly with the surroundings, adding elegance and consistency to the arrangement. Another important factor is the shape and design of the unit. The simple and minimalist design of the shower toilet will make it fit into both modern and classic bathrooms. It is worth choosing a model that does not dominate the rest of the interior, but fits in with its style.

Dzięki uniwersalnemu designowi toaleta myjąca dobrze komponuje się z wnętrzami w różnych stylach

Thanks to its universal design, the shower toilet blends well with interiors in different styles

© Geberit

How to operate the washing toilet?

All the parameters of this device can be set permanently. We can do this using a remote, a wireless control panel or an app.

- Shower toilets are very easy to use and clean, thanks to the self-cleaning nozzle and descaling program. In addition, they can be used like a regular toilet — adds interior designer Katarzyna Szramek.

It is also worth noting the additional features that are available on selected models. Some shower toilets have a built-in odor removal function. A heated seat with temperature control provides comfort, while a soft orientation light will make it easier when using the bathroom at night.

Możesz obsługiwać toaletę myjącą za pomocą pilota, panelu sterowania lub aplikacji

You can operate the shoer toilet with a remote, control panel or app

© Geberit

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