Decorating your bathroom? Avoid these 7 mistakes!

20 of September '24
w skrócie
  1. Take care of appropriate distances between zones.
  2. Limit the color scheme to a maximum of 3-4 colors.
  3. Don't buy furnishings based on the dimensions made in the raw state.
  4. Ensure that there is enough storage space in the bathroom.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

What are the most common mistakes made when arranging a bathroom, and how to avoid them? In this article, we present the 7 most important issues to pay attention to in order to make your bathroom not only stylish, but also practical. Learn how to decorate a functional bathroom, avoiding the most popular design traps!

Inappropriate distances between fixtures

Improper functional layout can spoil even the most beautiful arrangement. Already at the design stage, determine where each zone will be located. After all, the sink, toilet and shower or bathtub must not interfere with each other. Of course, each room is different, but there are basic rules to follow:

  • in front of the sink keep a minimum of 65x110 cm of free space
  • at the shower cubicle 70x90 cm
  • next to the bathtub 70x100 cm
  • in front of a front-loading washing machine 90x100 cm
  • there should be 60 cm distance between the washing machine and the shower (according to the building law)

Zbyt małe odległości pomiędzy elementami wyposażenia sprawią, że łazienka będzie niefunkcjonalna

Too small distances between fixtures will make the bathroom non-functional

Photo: Toyakisphoto © Shutterstock

Less is more

We can find plenty of interesting inspirations in stores and on the Internet. However, it is worth betting on one style or color so that the space is not chaotic and overwhelming. This is of great importance especially when designing a bathroom, which is usually a small room. For example, combining two completely different types of tiles(mosaic and imitation marble) is risky and can end up with an extremely unsightly result. A more favorable solution is to limit the color palette, preferably to max. 3-4 colors, and choose harmonious patterns.

Połączenie kilku różnych wzorów może wyglądać nieestetycznie

Combining several different patterns can look unsightly

Photo: Alhim © Shutterstock

Mismatched lighting

Mismatching the electrical installation with the safety zones and lack of adequate lighting can affect the safety and functionality of the room. Plan in detail the placement of outlets, which absolutely must be located away from water sources. Also remember to install lighting in each area of the bathroom and adjust it appropriately for function. Above the sink and mirror, bright, spot lighting will work best . Above the shower or bathtub, on the other hand, waterproof lighting with the appropriate IP65 rating is recommended. These can include recessed ceiling fixtures or LED lighting.

Dostosuj oświetlenie do strefy, w której będzie zamontowane

Adapt the lighting to the area where it will be installed

Photo: Voronaman © Shutterstock

Inappropriate bathroom ceramics

The choice of ceramics is absolutely key to creating a functional bathroom. One common mistake is choosing a sink that is too shallow. This leads to splashing water on the countertop and floor. Make sure that the spout of the basin faucet is not longer than the location of the stopper in the basin. It is best if it is minimally set back. Such an arrangement prevents splashing water and makes it easier to keep clean.

Zbyt płytka umywalka utrudni utrzymanie czystości

A washbasin that is too shallow will make it more difficult to keep clean.

Photo by Pavel Adashkevich © Shutterstock

Inaccurate measurements

Remember not to buy furnishings based on measurements taken when the apartment was in its raw state. This is a very common mistake that can lead to big problems. After the tiles are laid, it may turn out that a washing machine, a shower cubicle or a cabinet with a sink simply won't fit. It's a good idea to take measurements at various stages of construction work, with special attention to the final state, after the tiles have already been laid on the floor and walls.

Nie kupuj wyposażenia na podstawie wymiarów wykonanych w stanie surowym

Don't buy furnishings on the basis of measurements taken in the raw state

Photo: Maksym Prykhodnyuk © Shutterstock

Not enough storage space

Already at the design stage, take into account various ways to hide and store any items needed in the bathroom. You can use the space above the washing machine for this, build up the space above the toilet rack or use roomy cabinets under the sink. In the bathroom there must be room not only for many cosmetics and grooming utensils la also less aesthetic but necessary cleaning products.

Zadbaj o to, aby w łazience było wystarczająco dużo miejsca do przechowywania

Ensure that there is enough storage space in the bathroom

Photo Ventura © Shutterstock

Failure to fit into a custom space

The risk of making an arrangement mistake is even greater when dealing with an unusual shape or dimensions of the interior. Arranging a bathroom with a slant, a niche or a low partition wall can cause many difficulties. It is then worth using furniture made to measure. For example,customizable shower enclosures are also available on the market.

Przestrzeń pod skosem można wykorzystać np. na pojemną szafkę w zabudowie

The space under the slant can be used, for example, for a capacious built-in cabinet

Photo Ground Picture © Shutterstock

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more inspiration for you!


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