The call for applications for "My Current" 5.0 funding has started. This time you will also receive it for a heat pump

26 of April '23

The fifth edition of the government program "My Current" has been launched. Under it, you can receive up to 58 thousand zlotys in subsidies for the purchase of installations using renewable energy sources.

To już piąta edycja rządowego programu

This is the fifth edition of the government program

Photo: Andreas Gucklhorn © UNSPLASH

Who can apply?

Three groups can benefit from the subsidy:

- Applicants who net-bill and have not previously benefited from the program

- Applicants who settle on a net-metering system, i.e. discounts, and have not previously used the program, but only on the condition that they agree to the so-called net-billing system of accounting for electricity produced

- applicants who account for the electricity produced in the system of discounts, so-called net-metering, and have benefited from subsidies for photovoltaic micro-installation, among others, from the "My Current" program, provided that they have connected and paid for the installation after 01.02.2020, have changed the billing system of electricity produced to the so-called net-billing, and want to purchase an additional device covered by the program

W tej edycji pod uwagę są brane również pompy ciepła

In this edition, heat pumps are also taken into account

© Daikin

Thus, the subsidy only covers those who use net-billing or are ready to switch to this system. However, the support does not apply to owners of solid fuel stoves and boilers, with the exception of a wood biomass boiler with reduced particulate emissions of less than or equal to 20 mg per cubic meter that meets ecodesign requirements.

Subsidies cannot be provided for installations financed or carried out with other public funds, including the Clean Air Program. So you need to decide which form of subsidy you want to use. Subsidies provided under the "My Current" program are exempt from income tax.

Dofinansowanie obejmuje więc wyłącznie osoby korzystające z net-billingu lub gotowe przejść na ten system

Thus, the subsidy covers only those who use net-billing or are ready to switch to this system

Photo by Bill Mead © UNSPLASH

How much is the amount of the subsidy?

The amount of the subsidy cannot exceed 50 percent of the eligible costs of the investment.

Depending on the device and options, you can receive:

- up to PLN 6 thousand for the purchase of a photovoltaic micro-installation

- up to PLN 7 thousand for the purchase of a photovoltaic microinstallation with additional equipment to increase self-consumption

- up to PLN 5 thousand for the purchase of heat storage

- up to PLN 16 thousand for the purchase of energy storage

- up to PLN 3 thousand for the purchase of HEMS/EMS, i.e. home energy management systems from photovoltaics

- up to PLN 4.4 thousand for an air-to-air heat pump

- up to PLN 28 thousand for a ground source heat pump

- from PLN 12.6 to 19.4 thousand for an air-to-water heat pump, depending on the energy class of the device

- up to PLN 3.5 thousand for solar collectors

Maksymalna kwota dofinansowania wynosi 58 tys. zł

The maximum amount of subsidy is PLN 58 thousand.

Photo: Andres Siimon © UNSPLASH

How to apply?

Applications can be submitted until December 22, 2023 or until the funds are exhausted. The application is submitted only electronically using the GWD Grant Application Generator. Remember that once you submit your application, you cannot edit it or replace its attachments. To use the generator, you must have an account with it. In order to create an account in the GWD, you will need a trusted profile or an e-ID.

You will need the following electronic documents to submit your application:

- confirmation of acceptance of the application for connection of a photovoltaic micro-installation to the electricity grid issued by the Distribution Grid Operator or signed by you, or a representative of the electricity seller, a certificate confirming billing for electricity generated/collected on a net-billing basis, or other documents confirming the new billing system

- named invoices or receipts for the supply and installation of the photovoltaic system and additional elements indicated for subsidy

- confirmation of payment for all elements indicated for subsidy in the full amount of the attached invoice or named receipt

Documents confirming payment may be:

  • confirmation of transfer
  • KP document signed by the person accepting the cash payment
  • a statement by the contractor/vendor on receipt of payment indicating the document number, amount and date of payment in full
  • statement of payment with indication of document number (invoice or named receipt), amount and date of payment in full

Wniosek składany jest elektronicznie

The application is submitted electronically

Photo Benjamin Jopen © UNSPLASH

- a certificate from the Distribution Grid Operator confirming the date of connection of the photovoltaic micro-installation to the power grid, together with the number of the Power Point where it was installed

- any document confirming the bank account number indicated in the application

- a protocol of acceptance of the work from the contractor or a statement regarding independent installation of additional elements

- a document confirming notification to the relevant Distribution Network Operator of the installation / commissioning of the electricity storage facility

- product card and/or energy label, depending on whether one document has full information about the device

- if the application is submitted on behalf of an individual applying for funding, a power of attorney will also be needed

Sample documents can be found on the program website.

Wnioski można składać do 22 grudnia 2023 r. lub do wyczerpania środków

Applications can be submitted until December 22, 2023 or until funds are exhausted

Photo Flash Dantz © UNSPLASH

Are you building or renovating a house? We have more information on heat pumps for you! ClickHERE


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