Aluprof SA belongs to Grupa Kęty SA Capital Group The company is one of the leading manufacturers of aluminum systems in Europe. The company has branches in many European countries, as well as in the United States. With almost 70 years of experience, Aluprof SA has more than 1,300 regular customers. Aluprof SA's annual sales revenue is about EUR 385 million. Exports account for about 40% of total sales. The company employs more than 2,300 employees.

Aluprof SA sells its solutions to most European countries and also to the United States. The company has representative offices and distribution centers throughout Europe: in Germany, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, and the USA. On foreign markets, Aluprof is seen as a large and trustworthy partner, which translates into steadily growing export sales. High-quality architectural systems from Poland are finding customers on completely new markets, such as: Estonia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the United Arab Emirates.

ALUPROF SA is a member of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty SA, a holding company consisting of three main business segments operating in the following areas: production of aluminum profiles and components, design and production of architectural systems and external aluminum roller shutters, construction and assembly services for aluminum facades, production of accessories for the installation of windows and doors, and production of flexible packaging.

Opole plant
3 Goslawicka St., 45-446 Opole
tel. 77/ 400-00-00, fax 77/ 400-00-06

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