Interior paints - which are the best and why

25 of August '23
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  1. What are the types of interior paints
  2. What is the best paint for each room
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Color is just one of many aspects to consider. When choosing the right paint for your walls, consider the various options available on the market. Paints can be resistant to mechanical damage and easy to clean, as well as affect the diffusion of light in the room. What are the types of interior paints and how to match them to different rooms? The answers can be found in the following article.

What are the types of interior paints?

Thanks to the fact that you can find many types of interior paints on the market, you can choose them to suit your expectations. It is also important to remember to properly prepare the substrate. The most popular ones are listed below.

Acrylic paints

This type of paint is used especially for walls exposed to frequent dirt, although they do not guarantee the highest resistance to all stains. However, an important advantage of this solution is effective coverage after just one application. In addition, they are characterized by long-lasting color intensity, which is resistant to fading and yellowing over time.

However, it is worth noting that the choice of acrylic paint is not necessarily suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as the kitchen or bathroom. It does not provide sufficient resistance to moisture and may be prone to the appearance of mold. It is also important to avoid applying this type of paint to wet plaster.

Vinyl paints

Malowanie pomieszczenia farbami winylowymi jest wygodne, dzięki gęstej, niechlapiącej konsystencji. Stanowią one idealne rozwiązanie do wnętrz narażonych na duży ruch i częste zabrudzenia.

Painting a room with vinyl paints is convenient, thanks to their thick, splash-free consistency. They are an ideal solution for interiors exposed to heavy traffic and frequent dirt.

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Vinyl paints usually have a thick consistency, which makes them easy to apply with a brush, roller or spray method. They also tend to be ready-to-use without having to be mixed with other ingredients. They dry relatively quickly, allowing subsequent coats to be applied in a short period of time. They form a durable coating that is resistant to abrasion, which is important in high-traffic areas such as hallways and public areas. Many vinyl paints are stain-resistant, making it easier to keep painted surfaces clean. Some vinyl paints can also be washed, which is useful in rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. Many modern vinyl paints are available in eco-friendly versions. This means that they emit fewer harmful VOCs, which is good for indoor air quality.

Latex paints

Latex paints usually have a smooth consistency and are easy to apply with a brush, roller or spray. They dry quickly, so painting with them goes smoothly. Many latex paints are available in eco-friendly versions, which contributes to better indoor air quality. These products form a durable and flexible coating that is resistant to cracking or peeling. Depending on the brand and type, many latex paints are resistant to stains, and if any do appear, they can be easily washed off. This type will work especially well in areas exposed to harsh conditions, such as kitchens and bathrooms, and wherever there is a need for protection from dirt and moisture.

Ceramic paints

Malowanie ściany farbą lateksową jest szybkie i wygodne. Dzięki doskonałemu kryciu i trwałości koloru, zapewnia długotrwale świeżo wyglądające ściany. Bardzo dobrze sprawdza się w pomieszczeniach narażonych na podwyższoną wilgoć.

Painting a wall with latex paint is fast and convenient. With excellent coverage and color fastness, it provides long-lasting fresh-looking walls. It works very well in rooms exposed to high humidity.

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The basis of this product is latex paint, which is enriched with ceramic microbeads. It features a number of benefits, including excellent coverage. Thanks to good water drainage and moisture resistance, ceramic paints are extremely resistant to wet cleaning and scrubbing. In addition, they also feature good vapor permeability, which contributes to a healthy room climate and a durable finish. Scratch resistance is another advantage that makes ceramic paints suitable for a variety of interiors.

It is extremely important that some ceramic paints have additional ingredients with anti-static or anti-bacterial properties. These features are especially important when the paint is chosen for rooms where hygiene is important, such as a room for a person with allergy.

Anti-reflective paints

Anti-reflective paints, which are part of dispersion (emulsion) solutions, are an excellent choice for painting walls and ceilings in so-called dry rooms, such as a living room, bedroom or study. They have the ability to level out reflections that can often create the illusion of unevenness on surfaces. Thanks to their resistance to yellowing, ease of washing and abrasion resistance, they are an extremely versatile product for achieving an exceptional standard of interior finish.

Which paint for which rooms?

  • For the kitchen - in this room you can successfully use various types of water-based (dispersion) paints. They are characterized by the fact that they do not contain conventional solvents. Moreover, they have different classes of resistance to moisture and abrasion. So ceramic, latex and acrylic paint will work well.

Dobór odpowiednich farb do kuchni jest ważny, aby cieszyć się ich estetycznym wyglądem przez długi czas. Warto zastosować produkty odporne na ścieranie i o trwałym kolorze.

Choosing the right paints for the kitchen is important to enjoy their aesthetic appearance for a long time. It is worth using products that are resistant to abrasion and have durable color.

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  • For the bathroom - due to the possibility of splashing on the walls, it is beneficial to use hydrophobic paints. The paint coating they form ensures that water and liquid dirt do not soak in. This makes it easier to keep the wall clean, while protecting it from moisture. Simply wipe the stain with a dry cloth or damp sponge to remove the splash mark.

  • For the living room - matte or semi-matte paints, are often chosen for living rooms because of their elegant and non-reflective appearance. Matte surfaces give the interior a calm character and are a good choice if you want to hide minor irregularities on the wall. In the living room, you can use paints with decorative effects, such as metallic paints, textured paints or paints that change color depending on the lighting. You can also consider eco-friendly paints, which are free of harmful substances and do not emit a lot of VOCs.

To successfully complete a renovation, it is important to carefully select the right type of paint. Today there is a wide range of products with different properties and applications. Although in theory you can paint all rooms with the same product, this is definitely the wrong approach. In areas exposed to more dirt or moisture, it is recommended to use paints that have a higher resistance to these factors.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the information on paint packaging. Parameters such as abrasion resistance class, gloss level and VOC content are key. This information will help tailor the choice of paint to the specific needs of the room and ensure a durable and aesthetically pleasing end result.

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