Korten and three-dimensional tiles. Raw bathroom design

27 of July '23

We have already previously looked at the living area and bedroom of na industrial interior in Wola Justowska in Cracow. Today we present an arrangement of the bathroom by Architaste studio.

Łazienka została urządzona w stylu industrialnym

The bathroom has been decorated in the industrial style

© Architaste

The investors wanted to achieve an elegant, timeless and atmospheric interior using simple means. Hence, the architect decided to juxtapose raw wall and floor finishes with warm wood. The main role in this arrangement is played by the wall behind the bathtub. It was decorated with extremely original three-dimensional tiles in black. This striking element, gives character to the entire bathroom. These tiles reflect light, which gives the interior depth and dynamics, and create a striking pattern, adding a unique accent to the bathroom.

Ściana została udekorowana czarnymi płytkami 3D Płytki 3D

The wall was decorated with black 3D tiles

© Architaste

The rest of the walls were finished with raw, cement plaster. On the floor, on the other hand, you will find tiles resembling corten, which further emphasize the raw style of the arrangement. The whole is complemented by minimalist furnishings. White bathroom ceramics add a touch of lightness to the interior. While black furniture in the form of industrial bookcases emphasize the character of the interior. Geometric lamps give the bathroom a pleasant atmosphere, while perfectly matching the austerity of the decor.

Geomtryczne lampy dodają industrialnego charakteru Industrialne regały podkreślają charakter wnętrza

Geomtry lamps and bookcases add an industrial touch

© Architaste

Are you decorating your apartment? Check out our bathroom design tips


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