Pour your coffee with tap water - kitchen faucets with boiling water option

23 of June '22

A kitchen system that allows us to use boiling water straight from the tap is becoming more and more fashionable. Then we do not need to own a kettle or wait for the water to boil in it. Are these enough arguments to decide to install such a system?

Bateria kuchenna z możliwością lania wrzątku Bateria kuchenna z możliwością lania wrzątku

Kitchen faucets with the ability to pour boiling water

© Pinterest

Convenience and frequent energy consumption....

Modern systems combine the functions of a traditional kitchen faucet and a water heater. This is done through a boiler, usually mounted under the sink, which holds several liters of water. Here it is heated to more than 100°C, which destroys microorganisms, and then gently cooled in the pipes. Then the boiler, which is systematically heated, keeps the water close to a hundred degrees.

So by choosing the right option, the water poured from the tap is boiling water. It is suitable for brewing tea, coffee, or taking it for direct cooking of foodstuffs.

What's more, it undergoes a several-stage filtration process along the way. As a result, it is purified and the various components of the system are not prone to limescale build-up.

The system does not require any renovation or changes to the existing water installation. It will also undoubtedly fit into a small kitchen cabinet.

Bateria kuchenna z możliwością lania wrzątku Zestaw elementów składowych, dających możliwość pobierania wrzątku prosto z kranu

A set of components, giving you the ability to draw boiling water straight from the tap

© Pinterest

Safety first

There is also no fear of scalding the skin, as the faucet does not heat up, and the system has a lock to prevent accidental activation. In order for the boiling water to flow without having to hold the button, it must be placed in the right position.

Contemporary design

We have the option of installing the device in two options - with a common tap, or two separate ones for drawing cold and hot water and boiling water separately. The faucets themselves have a modern, elegant design, and differ little from standard solutions.

Kran z możliwością lania wrzątku Tradycyjny sposób gotowania wody

A faucet with the ability to pour boiling water and the traditional way of boiling water

© Pinterest

Is it worth opting for a kitchen faucet with boiling water?

The argument in favor is that users of electric or traditional kettles repeatedly turn it on to boil water, then forgetting their own plans, do not use it. Forgetful people, therefore, can actually make their daily lives easier. This system can also work well in places like restaurants or social rooms in large offices. In an apartment serving one person, however, it may prove to be an overuse of electricity.

So if you don't like to wait, use boiling water frequently, prefer convenience and value designer novelties above all else, this will be the right option for you.

Elaboration: Liwia Sus

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